Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Shriller - Application :3 [Approved-Karasu1996]


1. Your Minecraft username:ShRiLLeR
2. Age:18
3. Gender:Male
4. Country:Scotland(UK)

5. Have you read the Tome of Citizenship or agree to do so before signing into Hollow World for the first time?

6. How do you feel about the 'roleplay' aspect of our server? Do you have any experience roleplaying?

I have a lot of experience with roleplaying but none recently, I'd like to get back into it as i really do enjoy it.

*edit*I used to play a lot of Gary's mod roleplaying. My fondest memories of it were on two servers. the first was a C17 server working off of the half life universe. Your typical combine versus rebels situation, I spent a lot of my time on this server and grew myself a reputation, eventually I became the mayor's right hand man and was influential in how the server operated.The best moment was a last stand in the mayor's office when the rebels broke through the defences, this DID lead to my RP death though as i was planning on trying out the rebel side. The second server was one working off of the starship troopers universe. That server was amazing, they had everything worked out, when i joined i had to act like a new recruit and was put through harsh training until my first mission, after which i was promoted for a valiant defence of a fallen comrade. Gary's mod is where most of my roleplaying experience comes from alothough i have a little experience with minecraft. I hope this suffices for how i feel about roleplay.

7. Please introduce yourself to the community; explaining who you are, your interests / hobbies and why you are here in 8 sentences or more.
My Name is Martin, I'm 18 and currently studying at university to go into games programming. My life mostly revolves around the games I play and the people I play with as a result making me quite social. I love meeting new people and getting to know them. I'm heavily into anime and manga mostly for the unique story you often get. I've played minecraft for around 2 years now and I've always loved building in fantasy/Gothic style. I consider myself a mature player and I am rare to start arguments or harass people. I like to stay chilled out with music while I build so when I get into a project I can usually build for hours on end without stopping. I recently took up D&D with some friends and was thinking I needed to brush up on roleplaying so this would be good practice. I hope I've made a good first impression!
*edit* My hobbies would include ..... gaming.... a lot of gaming, drawing, Dungeons and dragons, programming, listening to music and Anime. I have a rather snobby attitude when it comes to anime, I treat it more like an art form than entertainment but that doesn't mean i can't just enjoy it.​
I have a love of cats that is complicated, I want a pet cat so much but I'm allergic to them. After looking into it for a while i found out that there are two solutions to my problem, hypo-allergenic cats and injections which suppress allergies. although due to being irrationally afraid of needles I think I'll go with the hypo-allergenic cat instead.​
In 10 Years I would like to be writing my own games either as part of a company or as an indie developer. As for Likes/Dislikes I'm rather open to trying everything the only thing that gets me annoyed are people that are totally headstrong in their opinion and won't accept a counter argument.​
(sorry if my app has become too long ^.^')​
8. If you have examples of your work please attached them to this post using the "upload a file" button or link to the image or video.
I have no examples of my recent work which i think is my best but i have some pictures of a project i worked on a while ago

9. Is there anything else you wish to share with us?
I have a history of always using a panda themed skin, I was wondering how flexible your fantasy setting was with races as i could open up a skin editor and make one with armour or robes to fit in
*edit* thanks for replying to my question i may look into a khajiiti skin.
10. Are you aware that the use of black magic (xray,xray texture packs and ore locator mods) is not allowed on our server, and a banishable offense?
ofc, I wouldn't even consider cheating in a RP server.

11. How did you find out about our server?
I Found your server on MCServerlist as I have no other means of browsing them xD


Lord of Altera
This is a good application. But since you say you've got a lot of experience with roleplay, could you please tell us some more about it in question 6?
About the panda skin, I'm afraid you can't really use it. Though if you really want to know if you can, you should ask a moderator. We've had Ka'jit-like people on our server, but I think a panda man is a bit too free.


I'm not great at describing myself heh.
any ideas on what i could write about to expand on question 7


Lord of Altera
Where do you want to be in 10 years? What are the things you really like? What are the things you really dislike? Tell us something original.