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Sisterhood :l


Lord of Altera
Maybe make a -select- list of thigns that don't get revived. As an example: Darkbloods, demons, people who have done insidious and unforgivable acts(torture and such). As most don't know that their characters will or will not be revived, they just go with: "Yeah, they will". I've noticed alot of people state that because their character believes in the gods, they they'll get revived. I don't see how this makes any sense. I mean, do you expect a torturer or a murderer to get revived? how will they assist in the fight against Grief, by murdering or torturing her? No. There needs to be some sort of criteria for you to be revived(Whether that be revived in general, or in some cases that murderers and such get revived horribly, and not fully healed.)


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
Maybe make a -select- list of thigns that don't get revived. As an example: Darkbloods, demons, people who have done insidious and unforgivable acts(torture and such). As most don't know that their characters will or will not be revived, they just go with: "Yeah, they will". I've noticed alot of people state that because their character believes in the gods, they they'll get revived. I don't see how this makes any sense. I mean, do you expect a torturer or a murderer to get revived? how will they assist in the fight against Grief, by murdering or torturing her? No. There needs to be some sort of criteria for you to be revived(Whether that be revived in general, or in some cases that murderers and such get revived horribly, and not fully healed.)
The problem with that is:
A) We make it public knowledge and people meta-game the crap out of it (as is done now)
B) We create an app system for revival which will take up 90% of our time.


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
Why does everyone always think its personal when I point out problems with suggestions!


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
But that doesnt make it personal. It seems everyone gets offended whenever I disagree with something they said, no matter how I say it.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Blarg doesn't get offended by his suggestions being shot down~.

The Sisterhood revive people who are useful in the war against Grief. Problem with that is that almost everyone thinks that their char is useful in some shape or manner.... What if only certain members of certain anti-Grief organizations were revived? Such as the Inquisition, who sniff out Darkbloods and kill them, or... other groups that probably will be made or have already been made that I haven't thought up. Not a perfect idea, but it's... something. :S


I'd love the sisterhood to stick around. Im working on something that involves them... And wouldn't work without them.

We just need to work this out. No rash actions. Believe me, without the sisterhood, we'd be in a bad place. Ever died in RP by accident and lost your character for good? Thats just one.


Lord of Altera
Maybe make a -select- list of thigns that don't get revived. As an example: Darkbloods, demons, people who have done insidious and unforgivable acts(torture and such). As most don't know that their characters will or will not be revived, they just go with: "Yeah, they will". I've noticed alot of people state that because their character believes in the gods, they they'll get revived. I don't see how this makes any sense. I mean, do you expect a torturer or a murderer to get revived? how will they assist in the fight against Grief, by murdering or torturing her? No. There needs to be some sort of criteria for you to be revived(Whether that be revived in general, or in some cases that murderers and such get revived horribly, and not fully healed.)
While I see your point Azur, just because someone is evil and sadistic does -not- mean that they can't help against Grief. Take Darko, Darko is not a nice man... Darko is quite evil, but when it comes down to it, he will die fighting against Grief. Not just him, another character, Josef Mandovi, is a sadistic doctor character who takes people into a lab and tortures and experiments on them... Evil? Yes, but would he get revived? Yes. You see, he only takes and kills those who are deemed "Not useful" i.e, not useful in fighting Grief, but more useful as a test subject. With these studies he does, he learns more about species anatomy, and is trying to cure the plague, which would very much help the fight.

What I'm saying is, just because your evil, does not mean you like grief, or wouldn't be helpful in fighting her.


Lord of Altera
Still doesn't make sense when the person who "would die fighting grief" gets revived, after nearly drowning someone who is healer~


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
The general idea is "Assuming Altera was in Total War state: would they do more good than harm?"


Kid Charlemagne
Retired Owner
Weigh order over chaos. Evil is not equivalent to chaos, if you fight for order, you are brought back.


Settling in Altera
Oh Legion, a bit off topic here, but i don't feel shot down when you point out flaws, they become very helpful so i can go and fix them. And it's even better cause you don't soften them, you tell the pure truth. If i had to deal with you or nael, I'd chose you. Your funner, And awesomer...



Oh Legion, a bit off topic here, but i don't feel shot down when you point out flaws, they become very helpful so i can go and fix them. And it's even better cause you don't soften them, you tell the pure truth. If i had to deal with you or nael, I'd chose you. Your funner, And awesomer...

I agree, but i like nael too =]


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
Oh Legion, a bit off topic here, but i don't feel shot down when you point out flaws, they become very helpful so i can go and fix them. And it's even better cause you don't soften them, you tell the pure truth. If i had to deal with you or nael, I'd chose you. Your funner, And awesomer...

There is no way in heck Nael is meaner than me.


sparkles emoji
Hm... I like everyone's POV here but..

What's the point of being a hired killer if your victims keeps getting revived? I hope you get what I'm saying...