Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Skounkb1 - Application [Approved - Alaila]


Minecraft username: Skounkb1
My real name: Hannah
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Country: Norway

6. I have read the Tome of Citizenship, and I will be reading them more closely if there is anything I dont understand if I get whitelisted.

7. I don't have much experience with roleplaying, but it is a type of game I would really like to try out. I think the medieval theme combined with roleplay makes a very nice and exiting combination, and I'm looking forward to try it out!

8. My name is Hannah, and I am a 18 year old girl from Norway. I'm very facinated about the medieval ages, and have been looking for a medieval themed minecraft server for a long time. I'm interested in arts, both digital and traditional arts, and I'm planning an education withing animation. I love music, both listening and makeing it, and I love animals. I have played Minecraft for almost a year, and within that year I have been running my own server for half a year. The reason why I'm applying for this server, is that I don't have the money and time to keep up my own. I define myself as an experienced player, and I love building medieval-style/norse buildings. I think this server would be just perfect for me.

9. I don't have many good images of my work, but I will upload the ones I have:) (These are images from the spawn area on my own server, as you se norse inspired houses and an Yggdrasil tree)


10. I am not rude, and I don't use offensive language. You will not be annoyed by me, all I want is to be able to participate in the greatness of this server, along with nice people not whineing about everything. I'm mature, and will deal with other people with respect.
11. I am aware that the use of xray, xray textures and ore locator mods are not allowed. I will not ask for stuff, either, as I know how freaking annoying that is :p

12. I found out about your server when I searched for medieval themed servers.

13. I have not voted for your server (yet), but I'm sure I will! And I really hope you will whitelist me!! :D


Sparkly purple member of the team
I'm going to approve your application. Please behave and have fun. :p
Before running off to explore Altera I highly recommend that you take ten minutes to read The Altera Survival Guide (click) and the server rules on the wiki (click). It's only ten minutes and it will make your first days in the server much more enjoyable, I'm sure.
