Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Some Art Stuff~!


The Kingdom Crusher
Here's an edited copy from something I wrote earlier:

Character Name: Chalkan Engem, The Kingdom Crusher!

Character Journal (If available):

Character Skin or a Description:
Since you've already seen his skin, might as well go for a description. Chalkan Engem, if you guessed, is 7'5 of muscle. He wears a pair of bear fur shoulder pads, a green sash wrapping around his shoulder and a green kilt with red tartan, simple boots and has large chops, long hair, and a short beard/mustache combo. His kilt has multiple satchels attached to it, holding things like stone sickles, medical equipment and ect. He has blue eyes, and the skin colour of the average Caucasian man, perhaps a little more tanned, and is always seen with his trusty stone cane, which boasts a wooden handle (basically a log) with a stone hook on the end of it, and a shield which is seen as a cross between this:

And this (the skull being mounted on the actual shield, and it belonging to a mammoth with dwarfism :3):

For posing, style of the cane and body structure, this picture describes it perfectly (ignore the fact it's a raccoon from Sly Cooper :p):


Lord of Altera
Right, so this is my first "serious" drawing, so things might be out of proportion, but you'll live :p


(Also, any tips on creases in clothing would be appreciated~)

Sigurd Selmon

Lord of Altera
Wait... No one's drawn Eten yet... I give you the challenge to draw him, Eten is Relt's pet eagle, he's not had much part in my RPs lately though...

But he's a young eagle, he'd be able to sit on Relt's shoulder, but nothing else would be able to get on said shoulder with Eten on it (If any of this makes sense)


Triangles are my favourite shape
Retired Staff
*annoys fhamer*




Triangles are my favourite shape
Retired Staff
Alright, alright, I'll try and finish it tonight, kay?



Oh, Right eye is red, left is black. Two scars over left eye, one small and one reaching to his cheek bone.

Also Dreadlocks.

