Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Sorrowlands: Brainstorming

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Lord of Altera
24 hours :eek: That would certainly hurt. Btw i do have another slightly more sadistic idea for the sorrows...

I think there should be a punishment of banishment in certain cases where a persistant rule breaker or for a certain suitable crime people are banished to live in the sorrows for months at a time. You want your bandits some of these people will be perfect. We leave them with nothing at the start though and they will have to survive on their own from there. They are allowed no Radiants, and trading with them would be a crime in itself. After their term is up they can rejoin Altera but some may not wish too. This would be a good punishment for those who are not hackers or overly abusive etc more for persistant thieves and definately murder.


Resigned Admin
Imagine this:
A big land which has been corrupted and everyone who once lived there died, or flew away. It has become a wasteland with ruins and dead cities, with big holes and always burning fires. Monsters have become the master of the lands since the sun will never come up. This land has just been discovered by the kings of the Northern Kingdom and they think that it will be a good idea to send outlaws and madmen there. Only those with fear for their life or great courage will go there. There can be put in random chests which contain things like iron or seeds.
Put dead towns there


Lord of Altera
We are currently brainstorming for ideas to bring back the Sorrowlands. We want to create a world for PvPers to enjoy, while not forcing players who don't want to pvp into pvp. We want to create the sorrowlands again, but we need incentive for players to go to that world rather than it just being another mining world.

We have some ideas of our own, but I'd be interested in hearing if you guys have good ideas that we haven't thought of yet. It's no garauntee we will do it, but we might just stumble into a really good idea that would work.
We could have the Testificate-Temple Questline...
Build a town, and have NPC's give you clues about the temple's location, then you have to set out and travel to the temple. Once at the temple, you are greeted by 1 "Treasure-Hunter" NPC, who will give you 2 diamonds and a pickaxe for the item that lies within the temple. If you choose not to give her the item, there could be a mayor at the town discussed earlier in the paragraph, that would pay you 2 diamonds and a sword for the item.
Also, add Bandit outposts, that are dotted along the map if possible. I love surprises, and exploring!


Loyal Servant of Altera
That's not what i meant.

If the reason to kill someone is to get them banned, rather then for the fun, the items or the RP, and it's done to cause pain an annoy people then it clearly misses its goal.


Lord of Altera
Aye I don't like the idea of being banned even for 1 hr never mind 24. I think Hollow World should have the best of everything MC has to offer though. I love PvP, i haven't done a great deal yet but i think our new Sorrows should be the best for PvP we can make it. It will always be an option and players wont miss out on mining any more as they will have the southern wilds.


You could run it like a battle of towns. Every week all the colonies release their best warrior(s) and they battle it out similar to the new hunger games movie that is coming out. The last player standing wins a huge lump some of radiants from all the other towns. The town with the most radiant or whatever reward gets some kind of special rights. Like delivery of rare items to bolster their economy.


Lord of Altera
You could run it like a battle of towns. Every week all the colonies release their best warrior(s) and they battle it out similar to the new hunger games movie that is coming out. The last player standing wins a huge lump some of radiants from all the other towns. The town with the most radiant or whatever reward gets some kind of special rights. Like delivery of rare items to bolster their economy.
I love the idea of town and faction warfare. If willing towns and nations build bases and organise troops then another whole new role-play idea opens up. The bases could be griefed, raided, plundered etc. but people would have to be wary of retaliation.


I was thinking less fortresses and more gatherings. I mean what town wants to establish a fort in a s***** god forsaken land just to have it plundered constantly? I was thinking more like a gigantic arena and you can pit towns against each other either in teams or leaders against leaders. Similar to a Colosseum. Release enemies into the stadium for lols.


Lord of Altera
But building well defended bases is half the fun of it. It also creates an incentive to defend the area and conquest new lands. Greifing maybe a bit extreme, especially if its large scale- but if its just blowing up the wall to allow troops in then that would be great!


King ForumStalker
Mind your language zvezda, I edited your post.

I like the idea of an arena, maybe alongside quests we can make it a minigame area too. The idea of two teams building forts really appeals to me as long as there are rules to it and a certain area is only used, rather than having free reign of the entire world.

I also LOVE the idea of having towns select one of two members of their citizenry to take part in combat or minigames where the winners get a big prize, we can really make a day of it!

Master Pheonix

Lord of Altera
I was thinking less fortresses and more gatherings. I mean what town wants to establish a fort in a s***** god forsaken land just to have it plundered constantly? I was thinking more like a gigantic arena and you can pit towns against each other either in teams or leaders against leaders. Similar to a Colosseum. Release enemies into the stadium for lols.
Although I don't agree with the use of a certain word in the above post I do however like the idea of a Colosseum type building. Also the idea of exile instead of jail has been talked about so maybe these exiled people could be sent into the arena to fight. They could be exiled and then have to fight the champion/s with nothing more than a wooden sword while the champ has full diamond armour and weapon set. Once they are out they would then have to make their way back to the ship to Port Silver which would be made even harder to get to by bandits and people that may be after a bounty. Also an idea to add to the exile would be to put a small bounty on their heads to make things even worse for them, for example 500 rads - of course this would be supplied by the crown since they are the ones doing the exiling :p

I feel if the Sorrows does return it should truly be a land of horror and fright, permanently dark with hard mobs to kill and lots of them. Also if we could get mobs to drop better loot on occasion that would make the trip there very enticing, items like armour and swords and maybe even 1 diamond :eek:, I dont know if you can actually choose what is dropped though. Also the only safe spot where you cannot be pvp-ed should be the dock/ boat area and maybe the town or Colosseum :p

A bounty hunting system may be really useful for promoting "tourism" for the Sorrowlands and it would be like going on a safari hunting trip with the opportunity for earning yourself a quick rad and a new head to mount on your mantle piece at home :D. I am saying that both players and the Kings could be able to place bounties and all killings should be taken to the Sorrowlands and not the Northern Kingdoms or the Southern Wilds


Mind your language zvezda, I edited your post.

I like the idea of an arena, maybe alongside quests we can make it a minigame area too. The idea of two teams building forts really appeals to me as long as there are rules to it and a certain area is only used, rather than having free reign of the entire world.

I also LOVE the idea of having towns select one of two members of their citizenry to take part in combat or minigames where the winners get a big prize, we can really make a day of it!
Sorry. I'm kind of vulgar in real life so it slips into my typing when I think out loud.
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