Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Sowwy... [Resolved - Banned]

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Meep came here to say sorry. Not expecting an unbanned. You didn't actually believe I was threataning mich you used it as an excuse to ban me... Let's be honest. So yeah... Sorry

You say you're here to apologise but say the staff used your threat, which you stated you wanted to kill/harm them, as an excuse? You do know that many people do not take murder lightly. Plus, in some places death threats are considered a criminal offense. You're obviously not here to say 'sowwy'


Lord of Altera

Let's be honest~

You trolled players during a big event, you ignored staff when they told you to stop and even continued after being tempbanned. You then ranted on the forums, being a blatant asshole to everyone that replied, and then sent a threat to a staff member.

You are not welcome here and your behavior never will be, find somewhere else where people think Threats are funny like you do.

(Protip: They're not funny. Ever.)

Ban appeal denied, locked, and user banned.
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