Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Sparku Artsu

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
MrTeamSparky said:
I wanna do one of those OC things with Sparky. You know, the ones where people ask questions and the OC answers them :p
Hm.. Say I ask a question, will you draw Damien/yourself answering it? :3
Also, *cough* we should do an adventurous colab *cough*

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
MrTeamSparky said:
Yeah ( the guy with the Bandana is Sparky )

And it would be cool to do an adventure collab :p
Alright, question... What are your opinions on puppets? :)P)
And awesome! Draw to the left or right of the canvas, send it my way, and il draw in cloud, as a chibi or normal, whichever you prefer :)


We demons of our solemn hour
Question: what do you think about potatoes and ale in rhe merry mead when dwarves are near?