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Star Wars Fan Fiction Roleplay Thread!


Lord of Altera
(So yea, I'm a HUGE SW fan, and wanted to do some RP with it without being with Roblox noobs, so I figured why not do it with the best darned RPers I know? This is a serious forum RP never the less. This takes place about the time that Luke Skywalker would be about 10-15, so it's just a little before Episode IV. The Alliance to Refound the Republic is still fairly young. However, things in no way have to be canological. After this point things can go any direction. The only limits is that technology ~{MUST}~ be in canological chronological order. All research is to be done via Wookiepedia, it is the only source permitted for reference of...anything Star Wars. Feel free to make up most stuff, but I have a few rules. A) ONLY races alive, or atleast not proven not to be dead, only. B) must be realistic; if you want to be some never before mentioned Hutt, hats fine, bu you can't just start with a fleet of some massive ships you made up from the get go-but remember, it isn't a problem to say be the ruler of some planet (which can be made up, but with VERY good story!) or captain of a ship at the get go, but you still have to be decent with it. C) one thing I really don't want is for the thread to be a spam of "that's OP!" Wookieepedia is your judge, jury, and if need be exocutioner.)


Lord of Altera
"The stars are buetiful, aren't they, honey?" The Imperial captain looked out the viewport of his quarters past the bleak asteroid of a planet Kessel at the mighty universe of stars; while speaking to his wife whom was back home on Taris. Odylion was his name. His life was a fairly average success story, born to a Tarisian noble family and inheriter of a decent fortune, young Odylion craved adventure. Now 46, he was a successful officer in the Imperial Navy and the commander of a Victory-II Class Star Destroyer, the Ares. It twas a fine vessel, constructed at Kuat but never witnessed much actions. For the most part, unfortunately, it's life has consisted of scaring off pirated and guard duty, although it has quite a future ahead, at least, it would seem. "Oh you know, honey. How is your ship?" She asked. "Oh fine, these Victory-IIs are very durable it would seem." "That's nice sweety, but I need to go; some rodian's making a stink outside. Bye bye!" The chat flickers off, and Odylion strides off to the bridge to check on things.

(This is actually an excript from a story I'm working on, The Imperial Odyssey. It's a Star Wars parody of The Odyssey. Although it takes place after Palpatine's death, he is easly transferable. I'll be using the characture a good bit.)


Lord of Altera
Lieutenant Dakar Fell strode up to the captain and handed him a report. "We've done our complete systems check, sir. Everything checks out, and we're ready to jump out of the system." He summarized in the brisk manner of any Imperial officer.


Lord of Altera
"Splendid, splendid..." Gesturing to the navigations officer to get the hyperdrive coordinates punched in, Captain Odylion smiles slightly, happy for his reassignment from this penal colonized asteroid of a planet to...where was he restationed to? Checking his datapad, his smile quickly turning to a disgruntled frown. Myrkr. This has got to be another bantha dung smuggler and pirate suppression. Stupid dead world, one race of force hating lizards and the Emperor refuses to send anything more than what he dosn't care much about. Either way, in space the Vornskrs can't get us. Hope we can keep it that way, but just in case..."oh, and supply officer, see if you can't get us a couple AT-STs in case we need to go on the ground, those will keep us alive down there...longer atleast."


Lord of Altera
Fell stood up straight, and might have even clicked his heels together once, although the Captain wasn't certain. The Lieutenant strode off the bridge, in search of a holo-room to beam a message to Imperial Command about those AT-STs.


Lord of Altera
Lotan Vespen, a Lorrdian under the command of Captain Odylion, flicked a lever next to his right hand, after carefully tapping in the required coordinates. "Let me know when you're ready, sir."


Lord of Altera
"All systems green. Commence transit." Rubbing his temple, Odylion strides off the bridge his quarters. It'll probably be a few days before we arrive, he thought, and he decided to spend some time with his private collection of ballistics. Two odd things the captain strangely found appealing: swoop bikes and slug guns. He kept a small collection of slug guns of all types, and always had his swoop in storage.

(Also thought it notable to point out, although the Empire and most Tarisians hated aliens, Odylion is a good deal more talurant. As long as they speak a fluent Basic, he's fine with them. Twi'lek is about the only other language he knows, or atleast has said.)


Lord of Altera
(Nah man. A lot of "low cared for" (Odylion just shot a wall) ships have many aliens. Plus it's fan fiction.)


Lord of Altera
(I've been looking over Wookieepedia and everything points against a Mon Calamari being part of the Imperial, fan fiction or not. I shall delete my previous posts and edit the first. Once again, I apologise.)


Lord of Altera
(It's fine dude, don't worry. When I first started doing SW RPs on Roblox...I don't want to talk about it <_> )


Lord of Altera
Juruk Cosp, a mandalorian by birth but raised on Onderaan to a family escaping the imperial sanctioned slavers looked at the Beskar arm pads on the arms then looks up at the weapon controls on it is a picture of a twi'lek girl who is about his age, round about 29, he smiles and then performs a sweep.

"everything is good over here, boss"


Lord of Altera
Standing in the bridge upon the Ares, Odylion, now over his aggravation about his new assignment, smirked a little at the pretty planet of Myrkr as he exits hyperspace. It wasn't largely defended, a small defense station and a few patrol craft was the only imperial holdings in orbit, and they were banged up---After a few convosations with the stations captain, he determined only one thing: someone in this system has a lot of credits and a lot of guts. Three Interceptor IV missile boats raided the station, from all sides. The damage was substantial, they obviously had illegal weaponry. Taking his position near the station, Odylion returns to his quarters to make some calls, perhaps Imperial Intelligence can dig up some stuff.

But still, who /did/ this?

(If anyone is wanting to join but dosnt know who to be, I just made two possible chars. The imperial intellegence officer and the criminal leader.)


Lord of Altera
Leaning back in his chair, Lote-and-Andor Jalkar-Tark (or just Lotan) felt a smile creep to his lips. The late-20 year old pilot sensed the mixture of tension and relief, two seemingly opposites, in the faces of his colleagues. His work had been done, until Ares departed again at least, so he started to make his way to the sparring hall. Here, he practiced with a dulled combat knife, occasionally picking up a blade or a spear. Today was his usual.


Lord of Altera
Lieutenant Fell came back up to the bridge. "Sir, weapons systems are ready to fire, per your orders."


Lord of Altera
"Keep all systems on stand by, I want to be ready if they return." After these words the captain returned to his quarters for a spel; likely to call his wife.


Lord of Altera
Juruk sends out probe droids to scan the debris for salvage which he uses to sell to the Hutts, this money is then wired back to Mandalore for his family to buy off the Slavers


Lord of Altera

Greetings citizens. As you all likely know, pirates have moved into the area and are openly raiding imperial and civilian holdings. As a precaution all vessels coming and leaving are advised to be armed with no less than two laser canons/an escort shuttle. Also, because of need of reinforcements, Captain Odylion of the Ares has agreed to rent/hire the service of any and all combat-ready shuttles in system.



Lord of Altera
*Juruk looks at the Captain*
Sir, should we deploy a Stormtrooper presence on the space station? for all we know rouge Jedi can be operating on the station


Lord of Altera
"Negetive; even if Vader misseda few, which is quite impossible, they have shunned this planet for years...but just incase, see if you can aquire some of the local Ysalamiri lizards, if there is tree nest for the station if you can. One individual for me...just incase..."