Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Star Wars: The Old Republic (The MMO)


Lord of Altera
Seeing the success of the forum RPs, and not finding anything else on the site, I am moving to begin a WoA guild on SW:TOR. If I am not some sad little Gizka with no friends, then we will be able to get a nice system of organized gameplay and regular SW roleplaying. I am particular looking forward to:
1) Moar roleplay, as always.
2) Organized system of Galactic Starfighter
3) Farming for Social Points
) Flashpoint fun
5) Star Wars puns


Lord of Altera
I play quite a bit of this game, however no actual role playing yet. I've made a Special Forces Trooper, an Imperial Agent, a Jedi Consular and a Standard Lightsbar Sith (I can't remember their names). I would love to do some role playing, although I'm still using the Free to Play version.


Lord of Altera
Allright, if you play please put here:
Main Charecture Name:
Preferred Server:
Subscription Status:


Dark Council Elite
Main Character Name: Acolyte Sarryn Verdoma
Preferred Server: that one server thats just 'RP' and not named The Ebon Hawk, i think it's the most populated one. West coast USA
Class: Sith Inquisitor
Level: 8
Subscription Status: i would never subscribe to a free service for perks i can get through play time

What's best is that I tried out the RP last night and it's amazing. One of my steam friends plays it and she wants to RP with me, she's a lightside sithy who's going to take me on as an apprentice :D