Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Zalenfal Guardian
I'm afraid to announce that I will be leaving the server.

Until August 9th, when I get back from my holiday to Italy.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Oh noes what're you going to do about your spot in the 2nd stage of Castle Corbenic if it happens before you return?


Lord of Altera
I hate you...
Why is everyone leaving me?!!?!?!? :'(
Seth, Scoobsy, you, Rhae said he might, Fats is in a university thing and Tang probly leaves next. I am cursed to be forever alone D:


Lord of Altera
Oh and if he comes to Iceland i'm gonna stalk him....And eat his brains cause thats how us Vikings greet people.


Lord of Altera
I will find you and murder your face for messing with mah fragile emotions like that. That will make you regret faking me out!