Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Suhkoiza's Application Approved- Fronslin


Retired Staff
{Introduction Section}

Minecraft Username: Suhkoiza

Age: 21

Country & Timezone: US, PST

Read the Kings Law, Code of Conducts, Official Lore, and the Player Guides?: Yes

Define Metagaming & Powergaming?: Metagaming is using information you may have learned OOC while IC. Example being, I heard Rob say that Bill is secretly a vampire through a Discord conversation. I go In Character and use that OOC knowledge to out him as a vampire. Powergaming is RPing in a way which has the sole objective of winning. Maximizing certain stats and using forum knowledge to gain the upper hand on events or RP interactions. Forcing another's emote is another way power gaming happens, such as saying things like "My character strikes yours down and you fall over" etc etc, forcing the other to take a certain action.

Do we allow Xray mods or X-Ray texture packs?: No

Tell us about yourself!: Hey, I'm an art hobbyist and a half-experienced DnD DM with a far too demanding work life. I've enjoyed RP for years now, first expressed solely through text, but now I'm dabbling in game RPing. I've found the assistance of game engines like DayZ and Final Fantasy 14 to create very comfy RP environments and add a layer of immersion. I'm a big fan of military aesthetics and fantasy universes grounded in realism. One of my favorite ways to RP is to be doing art while the interaction is happening, the art may be of the other character, the scene unfolding, or something entirely unrelated.

{Character Section}
Character Name: Suhkoiza

Age: 21

Race: Human

Appearance: Human, Female. Medium length brunette (or black- undecided yet- will find out once I finish her art) hair braided and cut to about shoulder level with some deviations likely due to being on the move. A conscious effort is offered to her hair's care, though one would be able see through it if they pay enough attention. A few frayed ends and tangled strands may give way to the ideas that this girl is under a lot of stress. Lighter brown eyes peer through the frayed braids, some may mistake the color for an amber (Such as Sangrian-lite). Her clothing matches the attitude of her hair, on the surface, pristine, upon inspection, battered. Navy blue hues clash with the brass of square buttons and brown leather bindings or belts. A plethora of bags and storages for various miscellaneous inventory strapped to wherever the girl could find free space. One side and one arm possesses rudimentary beaten armor for the sword bearing hand. Something gives off the vibe of a noble's clothing, hastily refitted into some Frankenstein of disheveled hand-me-down medium armor.

(Optional) Picture of the Skin: (I haven't made it quite yet, sorry! If I happen to finish it before approving or declining I'll be sure to attach it)

Written Test (Min: 400 words): The noise of that quill dropping atop the dark parchment was louder than any noise she had ever heard in her life. The clattering of armor and clunking of boots just outside the room slowly shifted from the movement of soldiers, to the movement of unburied corpses. The man across the table from her, now no longer bearing the quill he dropped, speaks up. “You’d like ta’ tell me that you’re signin’ up for an infantry position among halberdiers, though you’d rather bare a shortsword?” The girl almost scoffs right now, but these are superiors, instead she speaks up calmly. “General, you’re missing zhe point, zhe role I aim to fill is not zhat of direct combat, it’s to mend zhe wounds of zhe injured.” The General simply stares, he looks pained, as if she had offended some bloodline tradition. Was it her accent or the way her pronunciation slices through "th"s? He speaks up again. “We don’t need you to mend wounds on an active battlefield, that’s what the church doctors are for. You’d be recklessly risking your life. I will not allow you into my service.” The girl furrows her brow and frustratedly balls her fists, a single tear loosens from her brown amber eyes to smear the blood on her cheek. The girl speaks up and corrects her ‘at attention’ posture, daring to move her hands away from her hips to explain with her hands in aggressive knife-hand motions. “General, church doctors are miles away from any battlefield. What if your men are bleeding out and zhey need medical treatment right zhen and zhere!?” The General stands from his chair abruptly, wielding the quill from before as if it were a concealed dagger, ready to sign away the girl’s life. He speaks up over the deafening pause. “This is the way we’ve been fighting for hundreds of years!” The girl quickly interjects. “I don’t give a damn about your warrior tradition- I have seen orphans created and widows made due to zhis abhorrent lack of first aid. Tradition is one zhing- letting your men die in a pool of zheir own blood is anozher!” The quill slowly lowers again, placing its root in the parchment, ready to slash and make a mark. The girl watches, in horror, speaking carefully. “If you check zhat box, hundreds of men die. First aid should not be restricted to some holy blessing, blessings are fickle, matter and chemistry are not. Please. Men need aid as soon as zhey are injured.” The quill begins to slide across the parchment, the girl mutters one more time. “Please, general, I can prove myself to you.” The quill flicks, splattering its dying breath of black ink across the dishonorable discharge box. Just like that, the soldiers moving around just outside the room unknowingly became hundreds of unburied corpses, doomed to a fate amidst their self painted crimson deathbeds. The General concludes in one swift brutal word, “Dismissed” and the girl’s life was forever changed, she'd have to prove herself to somebody else.

Quick note: I'm not particularly well versed in forum etiquette or function so if I'm somehow posting this in the wrong location, forgive me. I'll be attentive to this post and able to edit it as necessary. If required or requested I don't mind attaching a draft of the skin in case you have concerns as to what the character's appearance might be. Thanks bunches, staff.


Based on what?
Retired Staff


I'm pleased to announce your application has been approved. I hope you enjoy your stay in Altera. Before logging on make sure you read the Survival Guide. It will help you on your way to get established in our World. If you need to know any additional information, everything can be found in our King's Law. Make sure you consult either of these two before asking a question in-game or on discord.

+You are probably eager to jump into the game, so there is no need to read all the links. Just use these as a reference for later.+

Survival Guide - Read this to help when you login!
The King's Law
How to Create a Character
The Official Lore
Town Census
HollowCrafting - Our Custom Crafting Plugin!
Plugins Command Guide
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You've posted it in the right location. Welcome to hollowworld.