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Sventar Trueblood: Entry One (Skyrim Roleplay Story/Character)


Loyal Servant of Altera
Sventar Trueblood
Book writen by Neolai Tebreth.
For the eyes of the Imperial Military only.
Soldier Name - Sventar Trueblood
Soldier BirthPlace - Cyrodil, Imperial City.
Soldier Race - Cyrodil/Imperial
Age of Recruitment - 25
Current Age - 27
Criminal Record - Abandondment during reassignment to Skyrim.
Sventar Tokeq is pressed with a Death Penalty for abndondment of his squad during a relocaiton to Solitude in Skyrim. He was captured in CliffEnd Cave on Evening Star 27th.
My name is Sventar Trueblood. I am currently 27. I was born in the Imperial City up in Cyrodil. I do not know the world very well, as far as location goes. I was abandond by my parents and left at an orphanage. I did not know them too well, all i know was that my father constantly beat my mother. My father was a strong man, but he was a rebel. My mom hated rebels, and constantly yelled at him for it. My father viewed me as sort of a... mistake. I have three large scars on my face, when i was six my father got angry and threw a iron or steel claw of some sort at me, it ran down the right side of my face , leaving me blind in one eye. I was left in an orphanage at the age of eight years old. I grew up in a harshe envirenment, forced to work for our small meals and hay sacks of a bed. When i turned sixteen, i ran away. I lived my life on the streets of the Imperial City for four years. I joined a gang, the Imperial Skeevers. We were brothers, we beat up anyone who smirked our name and took what was good. I still have the war paint on my face, just a small smirk up on the left eye where i am blind. This came to an end when a bunch of imperial guards came in and busted us all up. They took us all to the imperial jail cells.
I was lucky however, for you see they needed more soldiers, so the deal was that i serve the imperial legion for ten years, and then i am free to go. Well, that is when my life started. I became a skilled warrior with a sword, i prefer great swords, but throw me a sword and shield and i can hold my own. I tried working with a bow before... didn't work well. I was tasked with the simple job of being an imperial city town guard, a noble and easy job. However, this did not last very long. I was relocated, tasked to be an imperial soldier fighting in Skyrim. Blasted battle, why would anyone rebel against the imperial legion? They are the reason we have a safe place to live our lives as we please without culture dominating over us like the way it is up where those Elves live.
So i ran off, funny, running away again from the life i love. Anyways, i ran away in the mist of the night, I knew at that point that if i returned, i would be killed. So i kept running. Eventually i led myself to the conclusion that if i tried return to Cyrodil, they would find me, so i decided that i had to go to skyrim. Maybe i could restart, become a town guard in that lovely town of Whiterun, i hear that if a soldier has a criminal record, but works his way up noble ranks such as guards, he can often be excused. Quite a shame this won't ever happen. As i write, i am hiding in a cave. I hear the steps of the imperial soldiers coming to get me. I stole the records of my crimes, so they won't actually see my records, hopefully i can get off temporarily considering my name won't be on death row. These things never get easy, my life is so hard and here are those damned bretons sitting up on their thrones of magic and religion. The only god i worship is Talos, the god of war, he is true inspiriation.
Maybe i should write a bit about myself before they find the secret room i am in. I am a tall fella, not the tallest but taller then most. I have a strong build but i am slow as far as reflexes go. At this point in my life, i simply seek to rise above the ranks and become a general of the military, if i ever get the chance. I seek order, order is what will keep us all together. I have a habit of drinking to much, i don't get drunk easily at all, in fact i usually don't, but i still pump my body with tons of alcohal, and when i drink i eat, a lot.
I hate to say it, but i am a bit of a racist. I don't mind Dragonians, i don't mind Bretons, or nords, or orcs. What i hate most are Khajiit, vampires, and all those damn elves, excluding orcs of course. I love Orcs, big strong men who know that you have to work hard to achieve things. Elves just love magic, they think they are far superior to us just because they know a bit of magic. Vampires are just immoral creatures, just like elves, they feel they are so superior to us. There are some elves i do not mind, like some snow elves for instance. Snow elves are often called falmer, but not all of them are corrupt, this shows they know the value of the world around them and seek not to take in more and more. Khajiit are just odd creatures... i simply dislike them because of their usual attitude, pissy as Daedra... But i won't get into that.
I am a weapon collector, i love to collect weapons and store them away for looking back upon. I don't really craft my own weapons, sure they are nice, but it is a waste of time truthfully.
I mostly choose to stick with weapons crafted with steel, iron, imperial craftsmanship, and so on. This might seem odd to some people out there, but the matter of the fact is that all those ebony and glass weapons are pointless. A bond with ones weapon is a unique thing, i even name my weapons individually. I once was given an ebony sword, it didn't mean much to me, sure the weapon was perfect for combat, but it had no background to it. It's craftsmanship was detailed more into it's combat performance then it's "legacy" so to speak. Now imperial swords are made to stick to ones heart, they are unique and original. They are designed for a person who can use it, not for a person that wants a boost to their skill.
I hear them now, the imperials, they are coming to get me. If i survive this encounter... i will continue writing... for now, goodbye reader, or possibly me...