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Active Taurean Saint Mathieu, Wanderer


Guardian Of The Vibes


Meanings: Bull, bull-like, strong, forceful

{Media - Nascence}

"To be labelled, is to be negated."

A handsome and lean man of average stature, Taurean is a walking oxymoron of opposing traits and cultures melted down and cast together into one man. Glamorous with tarnished edges, he wields a pale gaze lined with smudged kohl, and a meticulously groomed 'stache. The man bears the garb of one who is both decently well-off and well-travelled, though his attire has begun to show the telltale signs of not quite having the same income to maintain it, as he had once had to afford the tailored pieces in the first place.

He carries with him a drunken charm and slurred dry wit beneath an odourous cloud of liquor and stale smoke, though, it is not difficult for the more emotionally insightful to infer that the man wields a large personality to obscure and protect a more vulnerable self, though also a self that is inquisitive and surprisingly keen at times. For Taurean, a veil of pretty baubles, pettiness, and snark, is an armour. However he certainly has a taste for the finer things and doesn't mind indulging in many ways, hedonism often being to his own detriment.

Full Name: jal-Taurean Farhad Faheem Saint Mathieu
Name Pronunciations & Meanings:

[taow·ree·an]; bull-like, strong, forceful
[fuhr·hahd]; great happiness, helper, wise
[fuh·heem]; the surname of his mother's side of the family as per Sooleran tradition; meaning perceptive, intelligent, keen
[saint matthew]; after his pious father's birthplace, the Kalstaat region once known as the Eberlands; a significant place in the life of Saint Mathieu
Nicknames: Tau
Full Titles: n/a
Age: He has seen upwards of a quarter-century.
Race: Human, born half-elven. There are some hints to his heritage for those familiar, in the angled planes of his face, and a slight elongation of the ear. His father is an {Anhalder}, and his mother an elven {Sooleran}.
Occupation(s): Odd jobs as he roams.
Social Status: Taurean isn't quite sure. It would depend on who you ask, and where you are. While not always disliked, he doubts he is in many's (if anyone's) good graces.
Wealth: He has some money. Not enough to be sustainable, but enough for a little while.

Current Residence:
Homeland: He would not know how to answer that, if one asked.
Birth Date: Mid-summer.

Religious Beliefs: His knowledge is limited beyond Jax, Sallana, and Ignis Synnove. He is a believer, but not an adherent to any. His relationship with divinity is tepid at best, with a particular aversion for religious institutions.

Demeanor: Taurean is a fun-loving and glib man with a streak of humour as dry as the sands of his mother's homelands. He greatly enjoys sharing witty banter with others, and exchanging derisive quips. His sharp tongue gives some suggestion as to his intelligence, though it is an unusual blend of both Sooleran life lived on the road and more scholarly pursuits from being forcibly rooted in his adolescence. He is an extrovert with a large personality, unabashedly so, but it isn't difficult for the more emotionally intuitive to see that he utilizes it as an armour around himself to keep others at a distance.

At his best he is charismatic, brave, passionate, humorous, intelligent, motivated, and persuasive. At his worst, Tau is petty, overdramatic, immature, fatalistic, capricious, bull-headed, self-flagellating, and bitter.

Quirks: He is flirtatious, though whether he kindles a genuine interest in others in that sense is dubious, as he seems to do that with most people regardless of their gender. Taurean is known to snark about and poke fun at his own flaws and insecurities to beat others to the punch before they can be used against himself.

It is not unusual for Taurean to enjoy starting, watching, and hearing about petty drama.

Likes: Wine & brandies, the quiet of nighttime, the smell of old books, honeyed teas
Dislikes: Cathedrals, authority, spiders, the taste of pipe smoke when burnt with wood, feasts/banquets

Voice: {x}

Status of Health:
Injuries: None
Illnesses: None
Conditions: Alcoholism, and a light smoker's cough
Diet: Varied & depedant on the location. He has some background in foraging, and has a high spice tolerance.
Fitness: He is leaner and somewhat trim thanks to his main mode of transportation being his own two legs. His fitness is that of an average working class person's.
Sleep: His sleep quality is poor to average, relying on alcohol at least twice a week if not more to doze off.

"If he and only he is responsible for his freedom, then why the hesitation? Why not go barreling straight into freedom?"

Proficiencies & Skills

Known Languages:
Taurean has a proficiency for language, having lived his early years in the traditional Sooleran fashion; travel and trade. He was exposed to many languages from having to temporarily live in many different locations, having to communicate with the locals in said locations, and the fact that Soolerans are a panracial cultural group. This, like many other multicultural children, has given his mind a good grasp of language since a young age.

+ [5] Common: Verbally fluent from it being the most commonplace language to encounter growing up in a trading caravan. He received lessons to improve his literacy as an adolescent, paid for by his father.
+ [5] Marjash: His native tongue, the primary language of his upbringing when amongst his own people until adolescence.
+ [4] Rede: Rusty, but familiar from many reluctant lessons because of his father as an adolescent. He does not like to use it at all despite being quite adept.
+ [4] Elven: He is moderately fluent from his time with his elven mother and some extended family, but they neglected to teach any writing or reading.

+ [1] Lavoye: Taurean knows a few words and phrases, nothing enough to actually be useful, but just enough to assert his intelligence over others, thanks to living his teenage years in the Eberlands.

Melee: He was forced into basic combat lessons in his youth, though he would not consider himself anywhere near comfortable in a swordfight. His main takeaways from training were basic self-defense and optimal points to use a dagger with.
Ranged: Taurean knows the basics of how to operate a crossbow, though has no practical experience with aim or positioning.
Strengths: Decently knowledgeable on how to best use a dagger. Also a good runner, which is his most preferred tactic.
Weaknesses: Largely untrained in weaponry, from swords to siege weaponry. Often inebriated in some form, and a semi-frequent smoker when he has the coin.
Morality: Largely dependent on the situation but certainly flexible, especially in regards to saving himself.
Practical Skills:
Foraging: Taurean has some basic knowledge in foraging from caravaning. He is able to find a few edible items such as tubers, and a few general-use herbs. It was always a great way to occupy bored and energetic children on the road.
+ Basic knowledge of common and easier to find edible items
- Tubers, berries, edible flowers, wild garlic​
+ Basic knowledge of a few common medicinal herbs
- Dandelion. peppermint, ginger, aloe vera​

Medical Care:
+ Basic knowledge of first aid
- Care of mild to moderate flesh wounds and injuries​
+ Basic knowledge of a few specific medicinal herbs
- Dandelion, peppermint, ginger, aloe vera​
- Can make herbal teas​

Carving: A common pastime for Sools. He liked to make pretty things though has not done so in quite some time.
Tailoring: A love shared with his mother as it was her primary craft. Sadly, he was strongly discouraged from continuing this passion in adolescence, and abandoned it.​

Academic Interests:
Linguistics: Not only a child of many cultural backgrounds, but also raised a nomad, Taurean has a fascination with language. Young minds exposed to language are set up to have an easier time conceptualizing and understanding spoken langauges, and he certainly has an aptitude for it as a result.
Philosophy: He has been provided a unique position in life to be able to be exposed to many different cultures and their philosophies, driving him to pursue this field once his time in academics was no longer as controlled.
History: Some, but not all areas of history, are interesting to Taurean. He however did not have a say in much of the history he was required to learn, and as a result burned out on it. There are still sometimes random bits of information rolling around in his head that are handy, however.


Wardrobe: Currently all he owns is two sets of travel garb. They are of nicer quality, but are beginning to fray as he no longer has the same disposable income he once had as a young man, when they were acquired.
Income: He is making do with the dwindling leftover coin from a more financially sound time, and does odd-jobs to try and make the other ends meet for things beyond absolute necessities.

Residences: None.
Businesses: None.
Animals: None.

[image placeholder]

+ A pendant carved from mangrove wood and embedded with a semi-precious opalescent moonstone, strung on jute twine and worn about the wrist.
+ A steel dagger with the hilt made of mangrove wood, adorned with decorative carvings of leaves, and engraved, the name "jal-Taurean Farhad Faheem".
+ Three small linen pouches:

- One containing spices
- Another containing the dried leaves of a mangrove tree
- The third, a pouch dyed red, containing a pungent and pre-milled herb
+ A small wooden travel pipe made of a deep and richly coloured wood with small, delicately carved leaves and ornamental patterns. It is folded into a silk cloth when not in use.

Received Gifts:

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Guardian Of The Vibes

{Art by stonelions}

"What if everything in the world were a misunderstanding, what if laughter were really tears?"


Living Relatives:
Roald, father to Taurean, is someone who crosses his mind often though he would never admit to such. He feels a lack of closure regarding his adolescent years spent in the Eberlands.

el-Estera is Taurean's last living grandparent, though she is retired to live the rest of her days out in their homeland as is tradition. He recalls that she was a stern woman, mostly.

And a healthy number of relatives--both by blood and by bond--that he cannot recall, no doubt spread out in numerous different caravans and places these days.

jal-Oksana was Taurean's mother. He doesn't often speak of her.

jal-Nevel, Oksana's sister. Taurean has found that his memories of her are growing fainter with time, though what he can still draw upon tugs at his heartstrings. Enthralling tales awash in campfire glow, and an impossibly sharp wit.

Thomas was Taurean's spark, igniting both his passion for life, and something much more. An ill-fated spark that caught their lives aflame, and nearly rendered them both to ash. He can only hope that he is alive and happy, wherever he may be.


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Guardian Of The Vibes

Character Inspirations:
+ Dorian Pavus from Dragon Age: Inquisition
Klaus Hargreeves from The Umbrella Academy
+ Saint Germain from Castlevania (TV Series)
+ Nadia Vulvokov & Maxine from Russian Doll
+ Lito Rodriguez from Sense8

More in-depth explanations {here}, spoiler warning for the aforementioned media

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Guardian Of The Vibes
back on the prowl to accost random introverted characters in taverns and force one-sided conversations with them
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