Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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TerraLark - Whitelist application[Approved - Shadowsmalls]

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Minecraft username: TerraLark
2. Your real name: Lachlan
3. Age: 19
4. Gender: Male
5. Country: Australia
6. Yes I've read the Tome of Citizenship.
7. I really love roleplays and am excited to join this one. I have experience roleplaying, but not on Minecraft.
8. Hey, I'm TerraLark (or Lark as some of my friends call me). I love Minecraft and gaming in general. When I'm not playing Minecraft I'm either playing my 360 or out and about (although usually it's the first one :p) I'm here because I love roleplays and would really enjoy roleplaying with you guys. I was looking at server lists and found this server, and it sounds really good. Usually I'm a nice guy and I shouldn't be​
much trouble​
. I'm interested in finding out stuff about this roleplay server. If I'm accepted and you see me around, feel free to say hi.
9. Haven't really taken any photos of my work, I haven't been playing Minecraft for too long.
10. There's nothing else I really want to share.
11. Yes, I'm aware that the use of black magic is not allowed and I hadn't heard of it until now, so I guess you can be sure I won't use it :D
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