Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Finished The Caesar's Rise


Lord of Altera
Caesar's Rise 1.jpg

*Rumors of a wave of change rise from the Southern realm of Novus...
Already, caravans containing weird-looking boxes are said to be travelling through cities and farmlands, said boxes all having the Arcturian crest on them. Nobody yet nows what the boxes might contain, and the carriages are guarded. From the rumors, an old prophecy is rising, a prophecy once told by His Eminence, the Archbishop Magnus IV, when he laid on his deathbed. From mouth to mouth, these words travel, words of might and the glories to come...*

''And so, the Lionheart sleeps, beneath His unrelenting watch
Unending protection, the mighty King brings, steady and silent
Hidden away, with our Grand Plan's words,
Nalos'han, our prized defender, stands with the Lionheart
But the Griffin knows, and the Golden Lion shall rise...
Oh yes, the Golden Lion shall rise, our secret with Him''

*Travelers coming back from the distant realm of Novus, lands of Arcturus, tell of the grand construction of a mighty city around the iconic statue of a Lion, beneath what they claim could be the largest castle of Altera. People are said to be flowing to the city in search of work, a safe haven and protection. They also talk of many posters and notices, all over walls, notices on which sentences such as ''Obedience is rewarded'', ''Order and Might makes right'' and ''In the Caesar's might we trust, by the Angeli we stand''.
What they say that is most troubling are the rumors of ideological changes and the rise of a New Order, an order based on Order, Justice and Might...*

To be continued...

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