Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Dark Legion


Lord of Altera
This world has become disgusting. The nobles sit in their castles, and the peasants roam free. I ask everyone out there to join me, and eradicate the scum from Altera. I thought that maybe the change would come on it's own, but it has not, and it seems it wont without a bit of help.Burn down this world, and a new one will rise from the ashes, that's exactly what I plan on doing. We destroy this pitiful world, and we can be the leaders of a new one. We should start small though. To get in, one must bring me the head of a simple peasant. Somebody that no one will miss.​
This group is arising mainly because of the hopefully upcoming plague rp, but I would love to keep it going afterwards. Right now the Dark Legion consists of me, and SunnyBassPlayer if it gets going. I'm still looking for a town I can set up a base in, though I doubt anyone will accept us :p If it comes down to it, I'll just build one in the EF. Anyway, here's the application you need to fill out if interested in joining.​
MC name:
RP name:
Do you have the head?
Anything special you would bring to the Legion?


Lord of Altera
Question: aren't you technically the scum that you are trying to eradicate? Or are you denying you're evil? In that case you're more neutral, no?

You also don't sound very evil, it sounds like you have noble intentions by ridding altera of "scum". You should worship Harateth!

Anyways, if you'd make everything a bit more clear (goals and such) I'd be happy to let you build your base in Uliima (I'd appreciate a bit more aggressive and evil attitude though).


Lord of Altera
I guess you're right.I'm on my phone so I'd rather not edit it now. I guess it would be more of a chaotic neutral group than anything else. I suppose I think I'm right, but to most it would seem evil to others.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
No one understands Basil. There is so much about him that I can't think of a proper category for, so it remains unwritten.


Lord of Altera
This seems disgusting, the lords do what they want, the farmers work their fields, i can't see what you have against it, I speak myself enemy of this, vile group

King Oguk

Earthspawn King
Isn't this repeat of the fallen legion without the racist views? I'll warn you, They went to war with me and where destroyed.