Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Death of Alexantria Searadan

Should Alexantria Die?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Lord of Altera
PIRAPPLE, not pinapple. He's a pirate as well, which means joining him makes me either a fruit or a pirate... and you can't eat pirates without being a canibal can you?


Lord of Altera
Anyway back on topic, Alex if you want to kill of your character then I'm sure between Bow, me and a couple of other people we can make a huge rp war to conclude with your death... but it's up to you.


Legend of Altera
Alex, to be honest, you've really been Alexantria for a LONG time... I'm actually thinking about doing away with Zelos or doing away with him for a while, then bringing him back later...
Edit: Just realized that killing off Zelos would leave no heir to House Fairfax! So killing him isn't an option... yet.... Until Zelos gets a girlfriend that isn't a Protarian or gets killed every other day... Yeah.... Or thrown from a cliff/two story university building, and leaves Zelos to die.... Yeah...


Lord of Altera
My character, the pirate is willing to kill you...

EDIT: Because it would be his release from his pain and failure.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
So would death... And Basil is all for being the first to murder somone or in a particular way.... Doubt anyone has killed a "Pirapple" before... I want to be the first....


Lord of Altera
Basically, i'm a human that was trapped in the body of a pineapple, and I'm in pain. I'll try to get Alex to help me, but she'll say no, causing me to be angry, and.... *no spoilers*


Lord of Altera
If she does get killed... Then an RP way is that The Elven Hoods get hired to capture Alex, stuff goes wrong one of us kill her because of an escalated situation... Just an idea :p


Lord of Altera
What? I have an RP idea in mind, and am working on it. But I want to know that in the end of it, should she live or die....
Not be murdered by a pirapple.


Retired Staff
:O What? Hot chocolate? Epik, if you get marshmallows too, I'll murder you in a jealous fit of rage :p


Legend of Altera
I think alex should live after the rp, but she should goon vacation/excile for some time so you still can change ur char if you want,the alex is stillalive and the alex alive peeps are happy but shes gone vor a while (*sob*) so the death people are happy too


King ForumStalker
What ever happened to having a natural death? Life expectancy in Altera must be like, 25 years or something. :confused: