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The Flour and Flowers Cafe (Tambry)


Lord of Altera

The Flour and Flowers
cafe front.jpg
Located in Tambry, near Viola's Clothing Etc and SaltStreet is The Flour and Flowers a two story combination bakery cafe and florist store. Come in for something to eat, relax at our tables and enjoy the complimentary water with your meal. We're a corner store, so we have two entrances for you to access.
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What to expect: The cafe is tended by Dyce Starcry, he will offer you anything on the menu. As foods run out, new ones will be replaced in time. We're hoping to have a wide range of varying baked goods for you to enjoy.

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On the second floor is the flower shop, tended by Emlee Starcry. With the opening of the store, our flower stock is quite large. We carry harder to get flowers like roses, tulips, orchids, peony, allium and lilac. We also sell pots! Other plants will be available throughout the year, just check back for things like cacti, lily pads and vines. (Poppies, oxeye daisy, ferns, grass, azure bluet, etc will also be available when the rarer flowers are out of stock.)

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Lord of Altera
Due to threats from an unknown 'mafia', including the breaking of a window and a box with a corpse inside - the shopkeepers have fled to the safety of their homes. Rosethorn is currently unaware, but messages have been sent, trying to reach her whereever she may be.

(OOCly people can still purchase! But ICly the store is locked)