Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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"The Group"


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Nwalme ventures into the square outside the Mead, wearing a fine, black silk robe with small, black gauntlets that seem to gleam in the sunlight. He is escorted by an entourage of two warriors, dressed in bits and pieces of mail mixed in with boiled leather. Wearing half-helms with the visors covering their faces so they are unrecognizable. A single, loud bash of the warriors' swords on their shields quickly quiets the crowd, excepting for whispers. As the hush falls, Nwalme speaks with a voice like silk.
"Loyal, good people of Altera. I come today, bearing a message. Far, far too long we have been divided, us proud, enduring folk. Far too often, have we been insulted, persecuted, run out of the Mead at times for being what we truly are.... We are a warrior folk, us brawlers, duelists, whatever you may call yourself. And also a hopelessly divided, unorganized, badly lead people.... So for this reason, I present to you all "The Group". A mutually beneficial organization that begs all the free, fighting folk of Altera to become a part of. I swear on my very life, and the lives of these two fellows with me, that we shall not be oppressive, cruel, or any number of horrible things to our own kind. I swear not to be kind, for there shall be extreme punishments to those who break our rules. But I swear, instead, to be just. To anyone who wishes to become a part of The Group, find me, and I shall ensure you are fairly and without bias tested for The Group's ranks."
And as Nwalme utters the final word, he turns to leave. Followed in quick succession by the two mysterious warriors.
Right, RP propaganda over. This is a group that invites all fighters to join, who believe themselves fit to do so. It is run similar to a dictatorship, in the respect that one person has absolute power, but Nwalme has a counsel made up of the members of the group. The two people in the brief story shall remain unnamed unless they choose to name themselves, but I assure you, Nwalme is not founding The Group alone.​
Like the story said, find me IG but feel free to ask anything on this thread. I'm usually never busy or occupied, unless it's with another RP. The Group's secrets are going to be very, very closely guarded for the time being. Nwalme is, also, planning to find orphans on the street and raise them to be the elite of The Group. So, if you want to join but are a child, but have your parents die or some-such and Nwalme will take pity on you.​


Lord of Altera
Mmmm... I'm not the best at swordplay in game, but I've been practising... By myself...
Anyway, I was wondering if I am able to join, even if I'm not very good at swordplay.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Like I said above, they'll announce themselves if they want to announce themselves. I won't give away their names in RP or OOCly unless they want me to. I like secrets. :p

Yeah, you can find Nwalme in RP, and he can test you. He's at the Mead atm.


Lord of Altera
Like I said above, they'll announce themselves if they want to announce themselves. I won't give away their names in RP or OOCly unless they want me to. I like secrets. :p

Yeah, you can find Nwalme in RP, and he can test you. He's at the Mead atm.
I can't come on right now, but around 4PM GMT I will :p


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
... No idea what time that is EST, but if you're online within a few hours, you'll probably catch me. If not, just whisper me IG.


Lord of Altera
Huh. So it's essentially a gang, then? Don't think Erl will be joining anytime soon, due to... conflicts of interest with Nwalme. :p


Loyal Servant of Altera
When Drowan was still the kind of person that randomly picked fights, I did consider making a kind of 'Duelist's Guild'. Eh, I just hope that you people don't gang up on me.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
... Not quite a gang, or at least I won't tell anyone if it is. :p

Nwalme don' want to bother with the Silvercloaks hunting himself down.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
... Heh.

Nwalme doesn't care about his own life, he looks at death through the eyes of complete and utter apathy. That, and he thinks very, very little of most oaths, as well~