Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Guild of the Forge.


Lord of Altera
(Well after many delays I finally finished it!)
The Guild of the Forge
Crafters, blacksmiths, and masons!

what is it? a place for smiths and crafters in general.
Location: Hound-Ru

The mission of the Guild is not to make large profit, but rather teach the new generations
of crafters.

+Current staff+
Crayton - Forge master

+guild ranks+
1: Forge Master
4: apprentice

+Applications for joining+

Character Name:
Character House:
Craft type:

this is if you want something made by the guild.
any guild member can "sign on" to do the commission if they
are eligible.

please post
item to be made:
description of item:
price range:
anything else:

(please note that the guild is located in Engem territory this may effect shipment)

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Lord of Altera
yes, a carpenter would find a handy workshop full of tools and the like. (if you don't mind the smiths and their loud forge)


Mountain Bum
Retired Staff
I absolutely love this! One of my alts will be applying soon :D


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Character Name: Nwalme Fuvur.
Character House: Layovard, I suppose?
Alignment: Lawful evil, though more oft than not comes off as neutral or lawful good.
Craft type: Working of essentially all things wood-related that's smaller than a house or boat. From bows and small trinkets to furniture.


Lord of Altera
Character Name: Karworth
Character House: Golden Bay, but he's really only there for the smith
Alignment: Neutral
Craft type: Smithing


Lord of Altera
Character Name: Lucius Artorius
Character House: Lavoyard
Alignment: Lawful good
Craft type: Metalworking.


The Kingdom Crusher
By the way, I utterly love this, and just want to express how the warrent for trade here'll work :heart:

All none Engem members of this guild are delievered personal standard trade warrant, which allows the bringing in of none illegal products including metal but not weapons, however special permission from the guildmaster, a Warcheiftain or a subordinate of two tiers below [unless stated otherwise] for this can be granted. It is still legal however to take the weapons you forge outside of the citadel for shipping if also given permission from the guild master.

I wish you luck with this Crayton and can't wait to see the RP it'll bring :D


Lord of Altera
a little bit of an update on the page!

also I forgot to add if you applied, can you please pm me the time (include timezone) you usually are on the server so I can try and be on.