Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Happenings around Altera


Noble of Altera

Scardrac and Damon Dueling

Rather silly, Damon, the "Monster Hunter" accepted a duel request
from Scardrac. Someone who has been living much longer than him,
and been fighting much worst than witches...

Damon clearly knowing who he's going up against, but he has no fear,
and goes down dueling like a man, with only getting a flesh wound.


I made this thread as something fun to do, and pictures to post of
Duels, Fights, or simply Action events! I hope you all enjoy, and soon
to come, much better pictures!

@Tybalt, @Scardrac, @Jackjack455, @Holy_Bejebus, and @Arken.
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Noble of Altera

Gwendelyn, Syr, Janos Serpentos, Lord Thannis Tel'Lavoyard,
and many others off the side!

After one too many crimes Gwendelyn broke, Lord Thannis
could not take it any longer. After being attacked by her, and
him having to watch his friends being attacked.. He's attempting to arrest
her Gwendelyn now.

With many people including May Flower, standing around yelling
at Lord Thannis and Janos for them to stop what their doing.. But, they
used force to stop all of us. Luckily for Gwendelyn, Syr, one of her friends
came to help her out from Lord Thannis and Janos.

I wish everyone luck in this Role Play event... As, a lot of blood has
already been spilled...

@Sankera, @Megadonkey30, @gaby, @smurf58105, and @Mitch.
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Noble of Altera

Lord Axex Hawklight and his trusty steed, Hoshi

Lord Axex came into Lydel today looking for Lord Andal himself.
However, Lord Andal wasn't in Lydel, as he was down south doing
what ever he does...

Luckily, May Flower was in Lydel as Lord Axex showed up
on his trusty steed, Hoshi... She was able to take in any information
he needed to pass to Lord Andal.



Noble of Altera

Drachen and Damon brawling each other in the
Crossroads Inn

Damon starting the fight against Drachen by kneeing him
in the groin after Drachen made fun of him!
These two fighting in the entrance of the Crossroads Inn is
causing people not want to come in and get a drink!

With a few in the back drinking and watching the
fight happen, I would say the people in the Inn are
rather happy while watching this fight take place!

@smurf58105, @Jackjack455, @Arken, @Ginger Beard, and @Lannis.​
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Noble of Altera

Tabe and Gwendelyn confessing their loves for each other
in the Crossroads Inn

Here they sit in the Crossroads Inn, next to the fireplace,
drinking rum and talking. Tabe confesses his love for
Gwendelyn, finally, and Gwendelyn is fairly surprised
at this, but does the same towards him.

I hope the best of luck to them in their relationship,
and hopefully Gwendelyn becomes nicer to everyone!

@smurf58105, and @Ginger Beard.


Noble of Altera

Lord Andal Lydel is dead, and May Flower takes control of the small town of Lydel

Now that Andal has died, May, his wife decided to
take control of Lydel, and run the place, expanding, and
controlling it. She knows that's what he would like. He wouldn't
want Lydel to just fall to ruins..

A memorial will be coming soon for Lord Andal Lydel, which
will take place right here in Lydel. A day where we will all
come together, and speak a few words about Andal.

We love you, Andal.


@Ddaug02 and the Halfling Community!​



Another Couple

"Just wanted to try something new with lighting from the redstone torch.
After posting, and saving the file, I realize I should have added some
redstone lighting effects directly above it, and to both sides.
Now I know!"
- Pipperson Oldfur


Noble of Altera

Update #1

"As many of you already know, I've been unbanned in game!
My Minecraft Username is iPadHD, for those of you who remember me, yay!
I'll be playing on my main character, Pipperson Oldfur, and if he doesn't
work out, then I'll be playing on another one named Yahvool."

"My old character was May Flower, who I played for a bit, which I'm now
canceling, because I didn't like May Flower. So, sorry for those who liked
RP'ing with her!"

"If you're curious on shaders, font, or how I make the effects/program I use,
please private message me that type of stuff! I'm more than happy to answer
questions like those!"

"Remember: if there's ever an event you want a picture of, private message me in game,
and I'll come there OOCly just to take a picture and put it up here! Have fun role playing

- Pipperson Oldfur​
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