Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Hollowworld Census: A way for you to help the server

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Lord of Altera
Age: 16
Gender: Male.
City,State,Country: Bayamon, Puerto Rico.
Languages spoken fluently: English and Spanish.
Donation Status: Green.


Lord of Altera
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Languages spoken fluently: English
Donation Status: Aqua = Patron


Age: 32
Gender: Male
City,State,Country: Northampton, MA USA
Languages spoken fluently: English
Donation Status: Legend


Loyal Servant of Altera
Age: 15
Gender: Male
City,State,Country: Cheltenham Gloustershire UK
Languages spoken fluently: English
Donation Status: Purples!


Lord of Altera
Well seeing all the great participation (here's hoping for further) along with several new developments in the map since my last posting, I figured I should post an update. Remember, click on the top of the picture for a larger image or just copy and paste the URL I'll give.

So here we go with Australia, which has now turned into a map of more or less the East to accommodate our Singapore player, Roablade.

Next we have Europe, which basically just added more people in England. Still few numbers of continental people concentrated in the North and Northwest. Also Camicaxe, you now have a friend across the gulf in Estonia!

Now on to North America! The most noticeable changes are the larger numbers of reporting people in 4 main areas: Northwest Oregon (6 in Salem alone), the San Francisco Bay area, which now has 7, Texas, and the St. Lawrence River Valley in Canada, which now has 6 reporting as well.

Also, on account of new reports, we added a South America map which has two people in it, one in Brazil and the other in Trinidad.

Thank you for all of those who have participated thus far, and I encourage everyone to get people to participate. This data will be very helpful to our server going into the future.


Lord of Altera
Age: 13
Gender: Female
City,State,Country: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
Languages spoken fluently: English
Donation Status: Green.


Lord of Altera
Age: 15
Gender: Male
City, State, Country: United Kingdom, Herefordshire.
Languages Spoken Fluently: English, French (limited but semi-fluent if i get in the mood)
Donation Status: Hero (aqua)
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