Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Active The Keeper of Knowledge


Abnormality is our normality. Therefore, 'normal' is considered our abnormal. One who is normal flows in the current of abnormality, difference, and isolation.

but d'aw thanks tybsies.


The Alchemist
Staff member
In-Game Tech Staff
They say long, long ago- The land lay shrouded in darkness.
Shadows cast the world in colours of grey, for not even were there stars scattered in this dreary land!
And so, so were the people amazed when the first lights cast the sky into glorious colours!
The grass was seen green, wheat golden- The bubbling brooks and rivers all /shades/ of glowing blue, deep reds painting fields of flowers.

And so, so did the people rejoice- for the Sun had risen to bring light into their lives.
Yet, they saw the sun was chased- Chased by the Moon, who glowed in altogether a different manner, with silvers and shades of grey.
Both were beautiful in their own right, spelling the end and beginning of each day, forever tailing after one another.
They had many children, whose own shine could be seen clearest in the demure of the Moon.
But oh! It was not to be.
For as the Sun came to embrace their children, such was so bright the Colours that any child-Star was burned!
And as the Sun tried to show love, this love only caused the winking lights to fade from the sky.
The Moon saw this, and was furious! Oh, how furious!
For as both were grieved, the Moon forbade the Sun from touching their children.
For some time, no stars vanished from the skies- The cycle continued as they followed each other, one awake while their partner slept.
Yet the Sun was ablaze with the chaos of emotion that comes with such colors, and thoughts begin to make their way.
For Surely the Sun would be careful!
Surely the Sun was not /so/ hot their embrace would perish a child.
Surely they would do right by this time. For what could be wrong in love?
And as the Moon slept, the Sun reached to stroke softly upon the brow of their Stars, their beloved children.

*The storyteller pauses, his expression a contemplative one*

It was not to be.
The Moon, in anger, began to fight the Sun, to protect from what was- in the end- a misunderstanding.
Marred by their war, even today you see the dark marks upon the Moon’s face-
And the Sun grows black with shame when they draw close, the Moon red with unforgotten rage should the Sun be sighted in their eternal chase.
Such they chase- Not of love, nor anger;
But a chase for answer and peace.
Alas, they will never catch each other long enough to /understand/ why they have grown
so, so far apart.
But perhaps you might.

@Niah @Michcat

Lovely story, Mich :D


The Alchemist
Staff member
In-Game Tech Staff
.. Updated a whee bit to include lovely picture of Athryl's staff drawn by Soluuuus! :D


The Lurker
Retired Staff
They say long, long ago- The land lay shrouded in darkness.
Shadows cast the world in colours of grey, for not even were there stars scattered in this dreary land!
And so, so were the people amazed when the first lights cast the sky into glorious colours!
The grass was seen green, wheat golden- The bubbling brooks and rivers all /shades/ of glowing blue, deep reds painting fields of flowers.

And so, so did the people rejoice- for the Sun had risen to bring light into their lives.
Yet, they saw the sun was chased- Chased by the Moon, who glowed in altogether a different manner, with silvers and shades of grey.
Both were beautiful in their own right, spelling the end and beginning of each day, forever tailing after one another.
They had many children, whose own shine could be seen clearest in the demure of the Moon.
But oh! It was not to be.
For as the Sun came to embrace their children, such was so bright the Colours that any child-Star was burned!
And as the Sun tried to show love, this love only caused the winking lights to fade from the sky.
The Moon saw this, and was furious! Oh, how furious!
For as both were grieved, the Moon forbade the Sun from touching their children.
For some time, no stars vanished from the skies- The cycle continued as they followed each other, one awake while their partner slept.
Yet the Sun was ablaze with the chaos of emotion that comes with such colors, and thoughts begin to make their way.
For Surely the Sun would be careful!
Surely the Sun was not /so/ hot their embrace would perish a child.
Surely they would do right by this time. For what could be wrong in love?
And as the Moon slept, the Sun reached to stroke softly upon the brow of their Stars, their beloved children.

*The storyteller pauses, his expression a contemplative one*
It was not to be.
The Moon, in anger, began to fight the Sun, to protect from what was- in the end- a misunderstanding.
Marred by their war, even today you see the dark marks upon the Moon’s face-
And the Sun grows black with shame when they draw close, the Moon red with unforgotten rage should the Sun be sighted in their eternal chase.
Such they chase- Not of love, nor anger;
But a chase for answer and peace.
Alas, they will never catch each other long enough to /understand/ why they have grown
so, so far apart.
But perhaps you might.

@Niah @Michcat

Lovely story, Mich :D

This is just as good to read after all this time. xD Sogud storytelling.


The Alchemist
Staff member
In-Game Tech Staff
*Prayers to Silas are heard through the streets, as a man slowly approaches Thiil.. Eyes upon the empty roads of the once bustling village.. A deep, saddened look..*

"Work is to be done."
