Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Deceased The Life and Lies of Albu-... Erik Stoneshield


Hi [Unsuspecting Comment], I'm Jazzper
*Erik's body lays sprawled over a table in The Bearded Lass. An Arrow in his back and in his leg*

"That was quick."

Killed, dramatically, by his good friend and General, he can stay dead now :heart:

Final Thoughts
Kris- "T'at was two well placed arrows. Jus' proves me point t'at Fros'peaks are kinslayers at 'eart though. Shame /yer/ had t'be t'one."
Khorug- "Why not you?"
Thordil- "Burn in t'nether and take yer steel wit'yer."
Roy- "Good man."
Illthillior- "If only I were t'have seen Tahkul Rimtar. . .Just once"​
Y u do dis Erik, Thôrdil was the nice guy xD
They talked it out, even
"Erik didn't know what it's like to be the bad man, to be the sad man. So now he'd a dead man."