Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Marriage of Bronn Westergard and Alyss Greyson


Lord of Altera
Psh Drake isnt going to come and start trouble, but hes not going to not come to someone he considers a good friends wedding because shes a tad salty


Lord of Altera
This screenshot is purely OOC, but most of you missed this part of the wedding:

(Courtesy of Conemaster31)

Just thought I'd share the moment where everything got interesting.


Lord of Altera
... Told ya I was right all along.
Of course you were. Everybody knew it was us. Everybody is pretty certain about it In Character as well, you guys just have no hard evidence except for a clobbered Earthspawn who was probably delirious after being knocked unconscious.

Not that we did anything wrong anyways. ;D