Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Mists


Carpet Monkey
Well, my Mist branch inside the Volonwer recently changed a bit, being indipendent enough to be called an own Organisation now. I am basically searching for individuals with special abilitys of whatever origin, as long as they can stay hidden.

seeked professions:

-'Infiltrator' (professionals in changing their appearance even to the level of voice)

it is tolerated if they have some other traits like stealing, pickpocketing and such, but this is no new bandit organisation.

loyality is very important. expect involvement in politics and dangerous, important, thrilling jobs ;-)


*You come across a house in Port Silver and notice a paper nailed to the wall*​

"Many people on altera have special abilitys that​
brand them as bandits, evil shadows of​
upstanding members of society.​
But your talent shouldn't be wasted,​
it can be put to good use.​
Since long ago the fate of the world​
always was decided by individuals​
pulling the strings out of the shadows.​
We need you.​
If you are interested then find​
the man that has the biggest confidence​
but that has to mock himself each day​
small hint ;-)​


We demons of our solemn hour
Well, my Mist branch inside the Volonwer recently changed a bit, being indipendent enough to be called an own Organisation now. I am basically searching for individuals with special abilitys of whatever origin, as long as they can stay hidden.

seeked professions:

-'Infiltrator' (professionals in changing their appearance even to the level of voice)

it is tolerated if they have some other traits like stealing, pickpocketing and such, but this is no new bandit organisation.

loyality is very important. expect involvement in politics and dangerous, important, thrilling jobs ;-)


*You come across a house in Port Silver and notice a paper nailed to the wall*​

"Many people on altera have special abilitys that​
brand them as bandits, evil shadows of​
upstanding members of society.​
But your talent shouldn't be wasted,​
it can be put to good use.​
Since long ago the fate of the world​
always was decided by individuals​
pulling the strings out of the shadows.​
We need you.​
If you are interested then find​
the man that has the biggest confidence​
but that has to mock himself each day​
small hint ;-)​


Good to know, that when I (if ever one of my chars. die) get my new char. Dark Dagger. . .
You'll have a grand assassin/stalker/spy/whatever working for you :)