Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Musician


Legend of Altera

Age: 93, Being a good age for a Silver Elf
Race: Silver Elf
Gender: Female
Sexuality: -
Current Residence: Just moving out of Tambry, traveling to the crossroads till she finds a new permanent home.
Relationship Status: Single
Social Status: -

Height: 6'1", the perfect height for a Silver Elven woman
Weight: She weighs around 125 pounds, but wouldn't ever out right say that.
Eye Color: Light Blue, with Silver Flecks, they are very playful
Skin Color: Pale-ish, the average skin tone of a Silver Elf
Shape of Face: Rounded, has curved features that are very slight
Distinguishing Features: -
Build of Body: Very petite, has delicate slight features
Hair Color: Bright Blond
Hair Style: Usually found with her hair down, but sometimes has it to the sides. Very wavy
Complexion: Smooth
Posture: Has decent posture, usually having her back strait
Is Seen By Others As: -
Scars: -
Voice: Very light and graceful, slightly higher pitched than other Silver Elven Woman

-Saying no-
-Not being loved-
-Love- Trust- Art-
Education: She had a very good education when she was younger, didn't pursue it and instead became an artist
Languages: Common, Elven
General Attitude: Calm, Gentle, Out-going
Religious Inclination: Sallana
General Intelligence: Average
General Sociability: Above the average Silver Elf
Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Short Term Goals:
-Find her sister
-Have more people to trust

Long Term Goals:
-Become very close to her sister
-Get Married
-Learn more instruments

Wardrobe: Is usually seen wearing a white dress with a brown coat over it.
Jewelry: -

Pets/Animals: None, as being on the road

Owned Homes: None

Carried Inventory:
- Her lute that her father gave her, very elegant and well-made, having carvings of flowers surrounding it
- A healing potion given to her by her sister. Doesn't know how to use it, but will come in handy.
- Her flute

General Wealth: Decent, off of her living

Illnesses: -
Allergies: Has a few allergies, most likely will never run into those things
Injuries: -
Sleeping Habits: Sleeps very quietly, you would not hear her
Energy Levels: She has good energy, not getting tired during the day
Eating Habits: -
Exercise Habits: -
Memory: She has a great memory, remembering scores easily
Unhealthy Habits: -

Peaceful or violent: She is very peaceful, hating violence

Weaponry: She doesn't fight, not seeing the need for a weapon

Combat Training: -

The Arts
+Painting -Is an amazing painter, paints scenery and portraits
+Singing -Has a profession as Singing, loves it
+Lute - Got her first one when she was 16,, practiced ever since
+Flute - Plays the tenor flute (d'amore), had gotten it a few years after her lute

+Cooking - Is a decent cook, cook for herself for many years
+Cleaning - Decent, keeps things tidy

Occupation: Musician
Favorite Types of Food: Breads, Vegetables
Favorite Types of Drink: Water, Tea
Hobbies/Pastimes: Singing, Lute playing, Socializing
Favorite Colors: Blue and Yellow

Relevant Family Members:
+ Aelithowyn Loreathael [Father] [Deceased]
Nirahlothen Loreathael [Mother] [Unknown Whereabouts]
Aethelsa Loreathael [Sister]

Loves and Trusts Aethelsa Lorethael "Ah, my sister... she really is a special person."
Trusts Ioswen "Ioswen is a very kind and thoughtful person... I hope to stay friends with her for a long time..."
Liked Athryl "Very kind man, helping people who are quite rude to him, and doesn't say a word about the rudeness."
Undecided Aracena "She seemed quite nice, didn't really get to meet her as she was a little distracted..."​
Tags: Arcana Ioswen IceandFire Niek Morenta

If you think I missed your tag, please tell meh!
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Oh man! I have a character who is a musician as well but I haven't made her profile yet! You stole the title!