Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Ramlah Caravan


Lord of Altera

"The spice must flow"
Who are we?
The Ramlah are a group of wise and hard working Sooleran, we wander the Northern Kingdoms in search of friendship, knowledge and profit. But mostly profit.
Where are we?
We travel from town to town, making due with what is available wherever we go. Though, if you hear of our presence within a town we are mostly to be found in a tavern.
How can I join?
Any man woman or child is encouraged to contact us in role-play about joining (after filling out the forum application). Though, you must be willing to give up your roots and travel with the caravan.

Application to join:
Just copy and paste this into the comments and we will follow up in rp on the server
Forum Name:
Link to character sheet:
When you are available to rp:
List of Members:


No Blood:
Non Sooleran:
How can I get you to come to my town?
Reply here or send us a message and we can work out a way for the caravan to come to your town.​
Q: How can I get you to not come to my town?
Also reply here and we can work out not heading by​
Q: I want to make a Sooleran character, where can I read more about them?
Q: I want to make a new character as a part of your group, how can I do this?
You can make a new character that is born into the caravan, but I would encourage speaking with one of us OOC about it.
Any further questions can be addressed with a forum or ingame pm to any of our members, as well as with a reply to this thread.

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Lord of Altera
One question. I read about the Sooleran in the forums and I know there is a way to get adopted in. Could I get one of my chars added in even if they aren't Sooleran by blood?


Lord of Altera
One question. I read about the Sooleran in the forums and I know there is a way to get adopted in. Could I get one of my chars added in even if they aren't Sooleran by blood?
Yes, there is a special ritual that must be performed. Though, we typically like to get to know new blood before taking them in, you are welcome to ride around with us without being blood.


Faith prevail
Retired Staff
Yes, there is a group of Sooleran called 'Adopted'. They are treated like Blood and are members of the caravan. Just don't drop out and become a 'rooter'.


Lord of Altera
Really should have done this earlier!
Name: Daisy Ravenwood
Forum Name: Raykaystar
Link to character sheet: [Daisy] scroll up a bit! XD
When you are available to rp: usually around 6-7 est!


Lord of Altera
Name: Idres Hale
Forum Name: Smurf
Link to character sheet: ; she is the daughter of a Sooleran man, one of BLarg's old characters.
When you are available to rp: Most evenings, and most Sundays. (PST)
We can meet up in the xroads in to rp sometime today/early tomorrow.

Really should have done this earlier!
Name: Daisy Ravenwood
Forum Name: Raykaystar
Link to character sheet: [Daisy] scroll up a bit! XD
When you are available to rp: usually around 6-7 est!
Already did rp, added you to the list.

In other news, we plan to have our rp travelling to Tambry tomorrow night/afternoon. It isn't required that you come, as you can be a late joiner but attendance is encouraged.
We also plan to have a Fadma event at the end of next week, or sometime that weekend. The Fadma is a "yearly" event where Sooleran gather to bury dead, marry and even do the blood ritual to become adopted. Neither a date, time or location are determined yet, though.


The Shadow Admín
Retired Staff
I enjoy Dune too much to dislike this. All my characters are spoken for but I really like this idea.