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Upcoming The Return {Private}


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[Private, Violent Event]
{The Return to Tah'Kul Rimtar}


"The time has come, to return to what was once ours."

This event is Violent, and will thus include Combat and the possibility of Death.

Date TBD
Time TBD

[ IC ]

Years have passed, and the ruins that lay under the Elven city of Reignfall have become infested with age. With the Dwarves gone, the place has fallen to ruins, and no care was later given to it by the now ruling Elf lord.
As it has become unsafe for any to wander through this fallen Kingdom, all entrances have been sealed, and only the Gods may know what now inhabits these ruins of glory. Rumours go around, and some claim that /things/ have now taken refuge in this wreckage of stone, and that all those that were stubborn enough to remain in those lonely caves, were slaughtered and butchered by them that now live there.

However, now the Dwarves have risen once again, and now that a new, powerful King has taken up the role to lead those that still remain of a once powerful race, a stubborn want in the hearts of these brave miners has returned, to reclaim what was theirs. Diplomacy has failed, and what lies in these ruins is of great worth, so it is time for the Dwarves. The time has come, to return to what was once theirs.

[ OOC ]​

Date: Undecided.
Time: Undecided.
Hosted by: Tempy_
Violence Rating: Violent
Where: Reignfall, moreso under Reignfall.
Dwarves want things. Dwarves will probably get things. Tempy won't make it easy for dwarves to get things though. Basically a violent event where some dwarves go full Mission Impossible on my ass in some old wrecked ruins. Sounds like fun! However, due to this being a probably secret endeavour by the dwarves, this event will be completely private, and whomever the dwarves take with them, is decided fully by them IC'ly.

If there are any questions, requests, suggestions and/or other stuff, simply poke me on Skype, on the forums, or in game.

Also full credit to Elz for thread lay out because holy hell am I lazy and uncreative, I literally stole everything from her design-wise.

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So wait, who would be invited just out of curiosity?
Entirely depends on who the Dwarves take on this little trip. I cannot say. This 'mission' of theirs is entirely in their small circle (small because they are dwarves, get it), so who are coming, and who know of this all, is completely in their hands.


Bored Brit
So wait, who would be invited just out of curiosity?
That, quite literally, is a matter based off of Dwarven Trust. There are a few people who are DEFINITELY going to be asked to come, but other than that its just whether you and the Dwarf are in the right place at the right time Im afraid.

As this is very important to the Dwarves :3


That, quite literally, is a matter based off of Dwarven Trust. There are a few people who are DEFINITELY going to be asked to come, but other than that its just whether you and the Dwarf are in the right place at the right time Im afraid.

As this is very important to the Dwarves :3
Dude Maria needs to RP with you again.
My character just so happens to know the dwarves king so maybe......
Plz BoredBrit ? :D


Lord of Altera
Lore Staff
Don't know if Erik Stoneshield is part of this dwarf group or remembers or even cares. But we did have a conversation a couple months ago about this. Kethron offered his and House Dramaigns aid should he ever get a group together to recover the lost knowledge there. Offer still stands.


Insert Custom Title here
Oh, going to just say the following:

This event is organised by someone who does not play a dwarf, ironically enough. Obviously the players that play the Dwarves have a large roll in all of this, and are definitely involved, but posting here that you are interested, or giving me a forum message that you want to IC'ly meet up, means you are probably trying to contact the wrong person. I do not, in any sort of way, control nor possess the ability to allow or deny people to come with or know of this private endeavour. People to contact about that are probably Piratep00f and/or BoredBrit .


friendly neighborhood inquisitor
Retired Staff
Can also contact me, and I'll relay the message to BoredBrit , or speak with Kris Linkolns (My Dwarf) if you see him IRP, and Kris can speak with Erik about it. But keep in mind: /Very/ few people are being invited alongside the Dwarves. So please do not get your hopes up for this event. (Sorry if this seems a bit rude, but needed to get that message across :p)


Bored Brit
Can also contact me, and I'll relay the message to BoredBrit , or speak with Kris Linkolns (My Dwarf) if you see him IRP, and Kris can speak with Erik about it. But keep in mind: /Very/ few people are being invited alongside the Dwarves. So please do not get your hopes up for this event. (Sorry if this seems a bit rude, but needed to get that message across :p)
Plus, this is a very highl prioritised secret as they are technically going to be trespassing onto land withou the owners pemission.