Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Herald The Sage's Wish


The Alchemist
Staff member
In-Game Tech Staff
A Herald is sent to many, and becomes public word over time.

The tide rises. The darkness consumes. I know that in these troubled times, opinions and words vary from person to person.
Rumors are like a plague upon the realm, for they infect everyone with notions they cannot fathom.
But all of this, in the end, matters not with the danger ahead of us.

The Demons have come. They continue to strike fear in those we love.

All of my life, I have fought Corruption. I have fought it when the God Harateth turned into a monstrosity,
I fought it when the Goddess Theodra infected my mind. While I know not the truth behind it, it remains a part of me.
It will not cease, but we cannot bend or break in the coming storm to it. We must hold strong in our duty, and our protection of the Veil.

Thus, we must rise to the occasion. I ask now for your aid in this. I call upon those who would seek to save the work at Candlewood, for it is threatened. Our lives are threatened.
The drums echo across the Cerulean Expanse. We all feel it. There is much work for us scholars here to do, to aid in this fight.. but it is all for naught as they march upon our sacred space.

I call for your aid.

I ask for your help.

In Knowledge, and in the perseverance to the truth.

Athryl Mithtanil
Sage of Candlewood



The Alchemist
Staff member
In-Game Tech Staff
As such, with this Herald..

Many would notice that the construction of the new city of Candlewood has halted.

Instead, barriers and siege weapons are built at a steady pace. Airships are prepared for defense of what is to come.