Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Active {The Seamsstress} Melody Kaiser


Lord of Altera

"I would rather be beautifully flawed than be ruined perfection."

Melanie Lockwood-Kaiser

Melody : Mel

Eighteen Winters Old

~ ❖ ~ X ~ ❖ ~​

General Information

Late Winter - Early Spring


Lawful Good - Neutral Good

Feminine Female

Relationship Status


Current Residence
Storm's Hold

Northerner raised by Southern standards
{I'll do research come time, time is sparce right now!}

Seamstress - Skilled in Horse Husbandry

Mental state


Melody wants to raise a family she can call her
own, to be able to watch her children grow up
in a happy safe environment where she can relax.
But another part of her desperately wishes to go
see a coral reef in all its colorful majesty. If she
could somehow see both, she would be more
than jubilant.​

Melody wants to settle and find a place where
she can work and complete the things she needs
to to help she and her husband succeed in the
new place they have found themselves. All she
wants is to hear all the stories she can while living


{5'4 : 162cm}

Body Type
Stocky yet Feminine

Mildly sunburnt : Freckled : Clear & Smooth

Pale Blue

Hair Color
Rosy gold but mostly yellow in hue

Hair Style
Upper portion is up while the bottom is down and loose in curled tendrils.

Soothing and melodic in tone : Speaks softly, usually loud enough for the people around her to hear but not much further.


{+} Embracing
Unlike much of her family, she is not very bold or brass headed. She does not tussle with authority and prefers to remain under the safety of government and their policies. She is very willing to try and accept anything at face value and because of this, she can be very warm when trying to understand someone or the plight one might have.

{+} Attentive
With her skill that she has, she is known to be very entranced with the work she produces, making sure to be very in tune with herself and the things she is trying to accomplish. She loves making sure something she is doing and will try to be as sure about her work as she can be. Her attentive trait does not apply to other scenarios such as with social situations, but she does try her best despite not being the best at such.

{+ : - } Curious
She loves learning as a whole. Being able to learn how to do things and accomplish others brings an excitement to her. She is a quick learner and loves tall tales of all kinds, particularly those with far off lands and places not personally unknown to herself. But due to her curiosity knowing little to no boundaries, it can lead to troublesome events unfolding should she inquire about something being out of her limits. She will always push to know more and yearn for even the smallest amount of extra knowledge. She has a slight obsession with maps.
{+ : - } Untrusting
Due to the way she was raised, she is very timid and unyielding to social situations. She does not open up to new people under any circumstances. She does not find satisfaction among people and obtaining physical trinkets but prefers to drift among her own mind. As a result of her mistrustful nature, she does not drink enough to hinder herself in any physical or mental way. But she doesn't mind the way she is, instead of seeing it as a way that she keeps herself out of trouble and keeps people from abusing her.
{-} Reserved
She thinks of average people in a very precise manner. She is not the most social of people and will ultimately choose to refrain from such if she can. When interacting with Melody, they might find a sheepish woman and this is simply because she chooses not to interact in a manner that is deemed 'polite.' She keeps contact to a minimum when it regards her personal being and addresses things in a formal manner.
{-} Stubborn
She is very sure of herself and her beliefs. She is very hard to convince of something if she already previously had an idea and state of mind about something. Despite loving to learn, she can come off as condescending in some instances. She doesn't like for her beliefs to be challenged and she prefers to learn at her own pace. When it comes to people telling her otherwise, she tries her best to fight for her side. Unless it is someone she is certain that the person telling her such a thing is someone that she can fully trust, she is going to come off as bitter due to her personal reluctant behavior.


{+} Dedicated
Melody will always try to finish something she had started. Her dedication shows when she is trying to learn a new trade or within a working environment. She is very sure of herself and knows exactly what to do should the time come. This dedication can be shown socially, though only to someone who earns her full, unyielding trust.
{+} Versatile
She is adept at learning a vast amount of things given the time. She is always willing to learn and take new experiences into account and this adds onto her ability to make due with any situation. She keeps herself vigilant with each new skill she learns which adds onto her self-value and ability to mold with any situation.
{+} Honest
She holds herself accountable for each word she says, so she values being honest above all. She can occasionally come off as being cold and calculating, but this is simply because she doesn't sugarcoat the hard truths that she occasionally must say. But she sees this as a positive of herself as it keeps her out of harms reach- usually.


{-} Impulsive
When confronted with situations that might be previously unsettling, she is quick to rush to find any type of source of consolement to let her know that the thing she was about to do would positively impact. As a result, she usually comes up with sloppy plans and ideas to begin and form into tangible words without truly thinking through it. She is very crude with the way she brings about thoughts straight from her head to her bodily being. When placed in a fast paced situation, she will often become flustered and begin speaking gibberish- as it processes information immediately.
{-} Physically Weak
She is unable to exert herself physically with the fear of triggering an episode of her breathing issues, of which we know of today as asthma. She is unable to truly work her body with cardio and as a result, her endurance is low but her initial strength is rather intense. She is able to move with vigor but unable to make haste in such a way that might exhaust her. She is able to lift things and handle items without it causing an episode, but rushed, sudden, or intense movements- such activities are uncertain for her.


{Seamstressing : Sewing, Knitting, & Weaving}
{Home care : Repair & Upkeep}
{Culinary : Cooking & Baking}
{Music : Lute & Singing}
{Horse : Training & Care}
{Education :Reading & Writing}

Created: {5:4:17}

Last edited: {5:6:17}
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Lord of Altera

Enemy Dislike Distrustful Neutral Like Respect Friends {Dear :: Treasured}
Love {Endearment :: Familial :: Intimacy}

Player Characters

Ealdwine Kaiser cheesehed

"I love him. I didn't expect to love him, it just.. It happened. And I wouldn't change that for the world."

Melody's relationship to her husband is one that can be seen as.. strange by people who don't know her well. She takes his word very seriously and due to this fact itself, she expects for people to take heed to them. She is subservient to him and would do anything for Aldwin, knowing that no matter what, he would always have what is best for her in mind.

Honey Spooksy_

"She is smart, beautiful, and kind. I am almost jealous of her, how can so many great things be bundled into one?"

Melody's opinion of the Caparii medic is one of great respect and admiration. From her work as a medic to how she holds herself in such a kind manner, Melody has automatically taken a liking to the woman. She's unsure what to make of the relationship due to her trouble creating lasting bonds, though if she could choose, she would love to befriend such a woman as herself. And she hopes she may come a future time.

Lockwood Family

Wallace Lockwood {41} - {Alive}

"He is.. He has always provided, He loves my brothers and.. occasionally my mother. As long as he treats them kindly, I am fine with being treated how I am. I love my father, he's my father."

Melody had a very strained relationship with her own birth father- finding him to be difficult to understand and communicate with. Her father didn't acknowledge her often, though when he did she took it as a great thing to be proud of. She cherished the words he might speak to her that were of a positive light. Though reaching adulthood, she came to understand that he might not have been the greatest father t her- preferring her brothers- but she wouldn't change a thing. She turned out how she did thanks to him and the way she was raised. Without him, she wouldn't know the things she does- and for that, she cherishes the good memories she has of him.

Mariam Lockwood {39} - {Alive}

"Nothing, none of that was her fault. I wish she could understand that. I adore her, she's taught me so much but sadly I cannot teach her a thing. I wish I could, but.. She wouldn't heed my words if I had tried."

Mariam and Melody had a mutual relationship with her mother slowly began to deteriorate as she grew up. Melody never knew the reason why her mother could be so loving and considerate to bitter and resentful the next moment. After a time, she grew accustomed to it and learned what made her mother tick- eventually coming to avoid the wrath her mother held within her. If she could tell her own mother anything, it would be that nothing that happened was her fault- despite what her father said.

Nathaniel Lockwood {23} - {Alive}

"Big brother.. He's always been like a father to me since my father was never there for me as I grew up. I learned how to be strong from him, how to be myself. If it wasn't for him, I don't know if I would have stayed. But I am happy I did. He has become a wonderful man."

Her brother was her rock- keeping her anchored to the family she would have drifted off from otherwise. She greatly respects him and cherishes him with all the knowledge he had given to her. She consistently brought herself to him when she needed something occasionally enlisting his help with something her father would have otherwise. At a later point in her life- she remembered considering him her father figure since hers was so absent. She always knew she wanted a man like him to help take care of her- and his strength- when seen in others- is something she will always gravitate towards.

Alexander Lockwood {15} - {Playable}

"I know my little brother will always had it better then I did growing up the way we did. Would I be envious? Yes, of course, but that doesn't mean I am any less protective. He is one of my shining lights and the reason why my mom is back to being herself. I don't think he understands his place, though it's likely better that way- it's better if he didn't have to live wich such expectation."

Alexander is one of the few people she would consider sending gifts- as Nathaniel said not to send them a thing. Giving her 'little' brother something was something he greatly looked forward to. She would have taken Alexander with her to Storm’s Landing to show him the sights, though sadly their mother wouldn't hear of it. He had stated that once he had turned 18, he would set out to find her and sightsee with her- whether she liked it or not. He was similar to her- where they both had a naturally adventurous soul- only except his body was much stronger physically.

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Lord of Altera
Honey Spooksy_

"She is smart, beautiful, and kind. I am almost jealous of her, how can so many great things be bundled into one?"

Melody's opinion of the Caparii medic is one of great respect and admiration. From her work as a medic to how she holds herself in such a kind manner, Melody has automatically taken a liking to the woman. She's unsure what to make of the relationship due to her trouble creating lasting bonds, though if she could choose, she would love to befriend such a woman as herself. And she hopes she may come a future time.
aww :heart: