Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Shadowed Veil

Avery Thomas

Sorrows Warrior
The Shadowed Veil

You have the right to fear us.

Do you want to steal? Make some coin? Perform the Sacrament, and we will come to you.
We are not some petty bandit club, sitting around for people.
We go to you. We do what we want.

Are you an assassin? Spy? Threaten people, and actually have some meaning? Form a contract.
We will take who we want, and not some random.

We will make ourselves known. We are already feared.

The eyes of a stranger watch over you,
ready to strike without fear.
Your children we take, to be
cut, the sins of the unworthy, to be cleansed.

Create an effigy of the victim at hand, which we must burn the surrounding area.
Stab your victim with the unholy blade, rubbed with the blood of foes, chanting the sacrament


The Anime loving Brony
*cough* Dark Brotherhood *cough* :p
"Sweet mother, sweet mother, send your child unto me, for the sins of the unworthy must be baptized in blood and fear"
If ^ is the sacrament, I'll probably lmao
And would I be able to join without leaving my town/normal RP story?

Avery Thomas

Sorrows Warrior
We have killed elves of the Silverhand, innocent villagers, robbed the rich, fished from the crowds of the unwary, dueled the strong, and won. What more do you need? We can do anything, we're well connected.