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The Thorn leaves the rose.


Lord of Altera
Oliver had sat in the bar his mother had owned, she hadn't been back and he worried for her. But no matter, he was leaving and thought it'd be best not to make her cry. He was becoming an adult, and with the rejection from his best friend left them at an awkward standstill. He hadn't talked to her in some time. Just as he hadn't talked to his other Mother, Chestnut. So he set out letters to where he thought they were, or rather where he had last seen them. Including a note on the barkeep for Ava, yet he did not know that she wouldn't be coming back.
Two letters would arrive in Mockingbay, one being for Beatrice and the other for Chestnut.
To anyone who'd read Beatrice's letter it would say:
Dear Beatrice, I'm sorry for the awkwardness I caused and the crack in our friendship when that night came upon us. More so, I'm sorry that I never got to talk to you after that. I hope that we could've been friends if I was not going away for a while,
Your's Truly, Oliver Thorn.

To those who'd see Chestnut's it'd say:
Dear Mum, it has been a while since we've last been in contact but I haven't forgotten about you just yet. No, I probably won't for a while I don't think. Just know that you raised me, and that I still very much love you Mum.
With all my love, Oliver Thorn.
One letter would arrive in Varis(?), addressed to Althalos, to those who'd open it it would say:
Dear Father, I know you may not think much of me at the moment for my absences or leaving with Ava but know that I still love you. You taught me how to read and write when no one else did. You are the best father anyone could have,
Love, Oliver Thorn.

And finally there'd be the note to Ava on the bar in Sandru, to those who'd see it it'd say:
Mum, I've left Sandru and have decided to go on my own adventure! Walk around and meet and see new people and things I haven't before! I do hope you'll write to me and stay in one spot so I can write to you too! You and Chestnut are the best Mums anyone could have! I will miss you so much!
With all my love, Oliver Thorn.
At this the Caparii began off. He had left letters to his loved ones and would miss them dearly. But adventure called, and as he crossed he Sandru wall he kept walking into the unknown. At this moment, Oliver Thorn, was off the grid.
Well guys it's been fun but I don't have much time for Hollow World anymore so I hate to say this but I'm taking a break from it for a while. My only character, Oliver Thorn has left his RP Notes and anyone's able to see them as they go to an Aviary. It was fun RPing with you all and I'll miss this server so much!
With much love, Slothtastic.​