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The Veriici


Dark Council Elite

The Veriici - An Overview

The Veriici are a people of... interesting culture. Originating from the Southwestern area of the Northern Kingdoms, and having recently expanded outward a bit, they are a people with a strong cultural connection to the patronized Gods of their society - Visage, Korog, Vermella, Silas, and Skraag.

They live as a culturally rich people, with ties to the Soolera civilization that reach back into history a significant amount. It is a primarily patriarchal society, with male Sultans at the peak of the hierarchy; the equivalent of the highest Lords to these people. Only above the Sultanate caste is the singular Pharaoh; recognized as both the religious and cultural leader of the people, the equivalent to a King. While he is not a man to be known as one to obey without question, typically, in Veriici households, children are brought up on the ideology that those in positions of power are in such for a reason - and verily, should be respected.

{ Here } for specific details on the culture.

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Dark Council Elite
The Veriici - Relations With the Gods
The Veriici are a people with close cultural ties to a pantheon of gods here on Altera.

Visage is openly worshiped as a neutral god in Abu Hamiya. The patron for the sultanate and nobility, as well as magicians, this relatively new god is not seen as something bad, but rather something neutral.

Korog is seen as a good god, and is the patron generally for any merchants of handmade goods within the city or its closely travelling caravans operated by Soolera.

Vermella is worshipped within Abu Hayima because of what she represents. Her strong views on bloodshed while being wise in war the way the Veriici see her are admired by most if not all, and she is seen as the patron goddess of the military.




The Veriici - Practices of Slavery and Servitude
The Veriici are a people that have no opinion on slavery and servitude, simply because it is the way it has always been. And similar to how slavery has always existed, there have always existed guidelines and regulations to ensure that the slaves are treated humanely. The culture is a quite civilized one, and is easily offended by the idea of being regarded as barbaric.

+For every slave a master owns, that slave must be permitted the use of their given and family name; they must be afforded a personal room within the home of their owner, inclusive of a bed with sheets and blanket, as well as a chamber pot and space for clothing.

+Slaves are not required to be payed, as a result of their having the room they are afforded.

+Masters are required to afford their indentured servants a minimum of two meals per day, consisting of food that one would eat themselves; enough to keep the slave healthy and nourished. Water is also a lawful requirement, and shall be given to the slave upon request. (Note: In times of severe drought, the law of water upon request is subject to belay.)

+The purchase of humans is set at a base price of ten thousand radiants within the city, as human lives are considered valuable. Slave auctions are subject to taxation as the sultanate sees fit.

The Veriici - Cultural Practices and Taboos

The Veriici - Traditional Clothing and Garb

The Veriici - Societal Heirarchy

The societal hierarchy of the Veriici people is not unlike the feudal system used by the rest of the Northern Kingdoms. In the lowest caste we have the slaves and indentured servants, more commonly lumped together as the belowfolk.

These people are the lowest of the low, and are typically not even afforded common courtesy or respect. For the most part, people are born into this tier; however, on occasion, the sultanate or Pharaoh may lawfully reduce a citizen's standing worth and social status to that of the belowfolk. This is typically done as a rebuttal for extreme offense or minor treasonous crimes.

Just above the belowfolk is the caste of normalcy, or standard citizens of Abu Hamiya and its dominion. These are your common working folk, nothing too special, but typically not servants. They are the moderate-income merchants, peddlers, vendors, people whom offer services or simply exist as citizens or wives.

Higher even than the normalcy are the upperfolk; they are generally the same sort of people as normalcy, however these are the high-end merchants and vendors that generate large income or sell the best goods or services. The figureheads of industry, typically, and very rich citizens. Typically associated with a status of nobility, although throughout the Veriici culture they do not truly hold any more sway than the normalcy.

And just below the Pharaoh is the caste of the sultanate. A triumvirate charged with the leading of Abu Hamiya, they each represent one of three districts within the city and dominion. The Sultans of Abu Hamiya are typically born into the position, or given the position through the will of a past Sultan. There are no elections hosted for the sultanate, and common people generally have no sway over who is in the triumvirate. These men draft any laws, military orders, civilian orders, execution orders - anything you can think of regarding judicial duties - and also serve as those who give judgement on individuals accused of committing criminal deeds.

Sitting above the sultanate is the title of Pharaoh. This man typically embodies the will of the common people; they are generally only thrust into the position after major changes within the city, major conflicts, or other world shaping events. Unlike the sultanate, the title of Pharaoh is one that can only be held by one man at a time - and, this man is elected. The duties of the Pharaoh include making sure the sultanate does not become corrupt, overseeing military movements and actions, and generally being a figurehead and ambassador for the people. Curiously enough, it has become a tradition for assassins to be sent after the Pharaoh; such is a legal action for those within the sultanate. More on this subject can be found within the Taboos / Practices section of this post.

The Veriici - Active Characters
Ghado - @Glados
Ferrous - @The Courier
Isabel - @smurf58105
Olomet - @Exosferik

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Lord of Altera
I was expecting the biggest smackdown.


lemme go and

some of the most beautiful architecture in the world.

and please please please don't forget the huge leaps and bounds Arabia made in math and science during the middle ages!
if you're doing arabs, please do that! that is such an interesting part of history.



Glados, guuurl, why you post so many threads before there's even anything in them? Why not finish most of it and then post?!


Lord of Altera
I may or may not have an Arab town built in single player. On a side note, do you know for how hard it is to make Arab skins?


Don't call it a comeback
Retired Staff

Is it possible we could add a Sooleran quarter in the city? Maybe call it little sool?


Lord of Altera

takbir takbir bismillah

israel go home, soviets go home, caliphate praise be. bosnia is not part of the master race remove bosnia remove egypt remove somalia