Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Whispers of the Night


Loyal Servant of Altera
"A secret group, the members unknown to any outsiders, who reside all across Altera
- in connection with each other like the strings of a spider's web.
A group of men and women, small yet influential, who seek out the secrets hidden amongst those who lock it away.
A group that have been growing in numbers since the start of the Exodus battles.
These people are the shadows, the whispers of the night."​

Who We Are
People who listen and report any secrets they hear that may affect the people of Altera.
All the knowledge becomes the group's property - which they will protect with the many different skills they each possess.
These people also act as the ears of those who wish to hire them (as long as it does not break our 1st priority which is the protection of the people).
They are all trustworthy and cannot dishonor the group because that would just ruin the whole idea. All members were tested for a long time before having been considered. Nobody knew of this group therefore it could not have been a ploy by new members to infiltrate.

Do not ask to join this adventure if you don't wish to abide by its rules.

Why We Are Safe From Death
(Why it would be very very unlikely to be able to kill a member. We can obviously die of natural causes.)

To those who would like to kill us for obtaining private knowledge of their actions.

  1. We are protectors of Altera - like the media we are the 1st to let the people know if there is to be anything ill done towards them (such as the slaughtering of 1st born sons - just an example.)
  2. We protect the crown if the crown has the people's best interests at heart.
  3. We wear disguises.
  4. We have connections in high places - including assassins. (We value life therefore prefer not to take it but a life of ours that is taken will be avenged.)
  5. Your character cannot be suspicious of everyone now that you know of us. That is META-GAMING because you are using knowledge that your character does not have - keep to the RP worldly limits please.
  6. We can fight if we have to but we are trained to escape rather than kill. We are NOT assassins.
  7. We are here to give the game some more excitement by causing a stir between rivals. Killing us would be spoiling that fun. We could even be your best friend or your king so you can't suddenly suspect someone who has never given you a reason to doubt them.
  8. Anyone can hire a member to obtain information, the information determines the price. We are not restricted to one House or one customer. We are paid for the information we obtain.
  9. We share every bit of knowledge we obtain with the other members and if a member is hurt or killed then the rest will broadcast or send all incriminating information to the public or the opposing House - making it a stupid idea to kill us. You would be cutting the tendril of a flame that lashes out at your face before the rest bursts forth and incinerates you (emphasizing the damage). It would be like killing a messenger because the news was bad. We are not here to become anyone's enemies but to give more realism to the Houses and to spur their natural rivalry.
Our Motto/ Code
"The Hand that Holds the Key..." - 1st half
"......." - 2nd half (Only the chosen few know the second half, I will let you know in character of course)

Member Rules
  1. You do not release any information of the group to anyone - such as identities.
  2. Any information you gain must be screenshot so that we have proof of not META-GAMING ourselves.
  3. Any secret places you discover must be screenshot.
  4. No matter the amount of riches offered, our 1st priority is the group and our kingdom because we were chosen because of that therefore we cannot be bribed to break our oath of loyalty.
  5. (This is still in progress so I will add more at a later stage if I think of anything else.)

Any concerns of those affected by this adventure please feel free to message me.

*****Each House leader finds a letter hidden in a place only they would find.
Inside the letter is a unique key that reflects the symbol of the house.
The letter tells of a group that offer their services and that a messenger must be sent with the key and motto if they wish to do business. Further directions will be given after tying a letter of response around the ankle of a raven and setting it free in the center square by the fountain in Port Silver. The ink, that the letter you received is written with, fades after a few hours of having been unsealed. When you reach for the letter again after a few hours, the writing is completely gone but the words remain in your mind. "The Hand that Holds the Key..."

Message me if you are interested in being a member/ wish to hire us.
Comment if there is anything you would like to ask or point out.

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