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Active Theodosius Hostilius Herennius: The First Basileos


Lord of Altera
Theodosius Ce1ebrant Finished Forums.jpeg
Art by the wonderful, the astounding Ce1ebrant !!

Age: 35
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Orientation: Heterosexual
Romantic Status: Single
Culture: Asrakosian
Titles: Basileos of Asrakos, Leader of Astrakhan, Paterfamilias of House Herenii
Wealth: A small fortune, of perhaps around 800,000 radiants.
Class: Patrician, Royalty

Theodosius was born to his father Sextus and his mother Julia along with several siblings during the Exodus from the last Altera. In the new world, his family- along with a group of settlers from their old home- would settle on a three-way river junction that would become the Trifluvium, the banks of which would become Astrakhan, in time. The settlement was composed of tribes; families of families, with Theo's, the Herenii, being one amongst the many that composed the "Hostilii" (Hostilius/Hostilia) tribe. It was a sleepy place, where its people were content to pursue a life of farming, pottery-working, and shepherding. However, young Theodosius was not one for such things, and instead took to soldiering and selling himself out as a mercenary.
As Theo grew to adulthood and the older generations of his family passed away to various tragedies, a new presence would lead Astrakhan and his family. An elven woman by the name of Alijol Inkalla had been adopted into the Herenii for her leadership in the interim where the original Materfamilias and Paterfamilias of the family had died. Through her wisdom and influence, she slowly led the Herenii to become the leading house in the settlement, which was now called Astrakhan.
When she disappeared, Theodosius became Regent of Astrakhan and the ambitions of power that had been percolating in him since childhood were now set into action. He joined Astrakhan into a confederation with the city-state of Valerius. Together, the two states fought off a rebellion known as Royalists, who sought to crown an opposing claimant, Aemilianos Delphonous as king of the Dominion. The war served to heighten Theo's sense of grandiosity as his brother Antonides fought his war for him while he played at being a soldier.
Once the war was over, Theodosius crowned himself as Basileos at a disastrous coronation that sparked a war between the Valero-Asrakosian Dominion with the northern powers of House Kane of Queensport. In his refusal to give himself over to be tortured for accidentally injuring Alison Kane, several other southern powers came to the small confederation's aid, with his brother Antonides leading the destruction of Queensport's fleet. It was a victory of unimaginable proportions, to Theodosius, and it only propelled him further into his meager attempts at empire-building.
Since becoming the Basileos of Asrakos at the age of twenty, he has watched how the mistakes of his youthful arrogance and imperial ambition began with the dissolution of Valerius's independence before losing it in a swift operation led by Albion Godfrey and Valerean freedom-fighters. He watched as what little remained of his fame dwindled until he was practically unknown throughout most of Altera.
At first, Theodosius was crestfallen & enraged; his chance to make a name for himself seemed lost and so with it was his identity. What was a king without a vast kingdom? What was a king without his reputation? A pretentious oligarch, that's what.
But as he and his city faced new challenges, Theodosius realized two things; not all leaders must be glorious, and not all glory is found in conquest and battle. It was a realization that came very slowly for the young man, who helped his city fend off the Blight Plague and maintain a safe distance from the feud between Archon and the Grey Lady. While he did contribute to the wider world in small ways during these crises, he came to understand that his destiny was- and never had been- to be like the Arcturian conquerors of old, but to be a humble architect for his people's future, in which peace and prosperity was paramount.
More than that, in the time that he had been busy trying to become an Emperor, he had become a father to an adopted baby boy, Dimitrius. His divorce of his first wife and becoming an only father- as well as the adoption of Carling Montiliyette into the Herenii caused him to realize that his duty as a father had been neglected.
To this end, the man has taken up farming; a suitably peaceful task for a suitably peaceful future.
Of course, like any king, he is still prideful and thinks much of himself, but they are tendencies that he tries to keep nipped in the bud. Instead of placing himself on a mighty throne inside a mighty palace, he lives in a simple bungalow with very spartan furnishings. As the people of Astrakhan were always a self-governing folk, he often tries to rule in accordance with popular demands, though he still (perhaps necessarily) make decisions without consulting the masses.
Now, with three new children in tow, Theodosius still finds that he desires to do great things, and to be a respected power in Altera, but he wishes to do so without compromising his reputation for being a man of the people or his values about being a down-to-earth, honest, compassionate person and more importantly, a good, kindly father to his estranged son and his newborns. It is a difficult and delicate negotiation as he still grapples with how to achieve these two goals, but it is one he feels he will eventually make.

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Lord of Altera
Theodosius has always been a bit of what some might call "a fuddy-duddy", "a stick in the mud", or even "pedantic". And this is true, or it is, at least sometimes.

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Lord of Altera
Holy moly, I finally finished the thread and cleaned it up.


Lord of Altera
Updated. Lots of people were added.

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Lord of Altera
Hey were's Violet in there? xD

And also lowkey would think Theo sounds sorta like Ben Platt. was thinking maybe like- Nikolaj Coster-Waldau (the actor who plays Jaimie Lannister).

But then again, Theo also has an accent akin to Greek and Italian so...I'm stuck again.