Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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TheRougeKnight [Resolved-Unbanned]


Loyal Servant of Altera
Hello everyone, I don't know if anyone will recall what I actually did as it was month ago and in that time I have grown regretful and sad that I could not enjoy playing on hollowworld. At the time I hadn't been on hollow world in a great amount of time I was confused with the new world. That is not an excuse for what I did just events leading to it, I had roamed around the world for a period of thirty minutes before I found a Church like building in which I noticed pvp was enabled and I preceded to kill everyone in the church and yes I know, stupid, immature, and just being an ass was what I was. Even after that I was jailed and while I was jailed I preceded to be a "Troll" bother the people who jailed me and the people who were upset with me in the church, and if they still remember that day I beg for forgiveness.

And this is why I have posted this to plead for forgiveness to be allowed back on to the server I love, with the promise I will never be so childish and foolish again. And while I know many will see this and give it little then the though that I only do it because I desire to be back, but everything I say is true and I regret it with all my heart. I love playing hollowworld and couldn't imagine going to another server and I truely hope that you all read this knowing I have regret for the things i've done.

Thank you.


Lord of Altera
I /Vaguely/ remember you.
You seem to have learned your lesson though and take full responsibility for your actions, which is admirable.

Just remember that PvP is not allowed in the Northern Kingdoms (Unless consented by the person you are going to kill).
PvP /is/ allowed in the sorrows.