Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Tilaros Hamsdown


Name: Tilaros Hamsdown
Age: 18
Gender: male
Race: human
Height: 1,7 meters
Weight: 74 kg
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Skin: Pale, due being mostly active during night time.
Identifying Marks: A small beard, A scar on his right leg and a scar near his eye.
Appearance: Small yet broad, Agile and fast.
Strengths: Good nightvision, Good stamina and great climbing skills. also a good survivalist
Able to live of the land without harming it.
Weaknesses and fears: Has a fear for spiders and will turn frenzy if reminding him of maralyn his weakness is bad vision at his left eye
Religion and cults: He worships the red god
Profession: Thief/Spy