Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Top 5 Game Missions?


Lord of Altera

Let's share each of our Top 5 Game Missions? I'll begin!

5) My number 5 gaming mission would be the last mission in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, where you walk around as Yuri together with Nikolai, trying to catch Makarov, and kill him once for all.

4) My number 4 gaming mission would be the mission in GTA IV called "Three Leaf Clover". In the mission you rob a bank with Derrick, Michael and Patrick.

3) My number 3 gaming mission would be the mission in Battlefield 3 called "A Rock and a Hard Place". Where you do something (I don't remember what,) with Campo, Matkovic and Montes.

2) My number 2 gaming mission would be the mission in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, where you kill the dragon Alduin in Sovngarde.

1) My number 1 gaming mission would be the first mission in ARMA 2: Operation Arrowhead where you secure an airport, and thereafter a little village just outside it. I personally love all the missions in Operation Arrowhead, because it's pretty damn realistic, and when you are in a gunfight and you are pinned down somewhere, you really get the feeling that you're in a real gunfight in Afghanistan, and you're screwed.


Lord of Altera
5) First mission in AC: Revelations. It is amazing, beautiful places and interesting beginning.

4) CoD: Black ops's first mission. The beginning made me laugh and took care of that I will finish the game.

3) Beginning of InFamous 2. It is absolutely amazing. I love the first piece of storyline.

2) Uncharted 3: The mission where you go to investigate the ruins of a castle, and laiter the enemies set the place on fire. After that, at the ending of the mission, you're chased by venom spiders. Just amazing survival aspect.

1) Any "Mission" in Hollowworld :p


Magus of Nothing
5: The final battle in Oblivion... Amazing.
4: The first chapter in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 2, where you meet your partner and get those nasty crooks.
3: The mission/scene where you get reunited with your partner at the end of aforementioned game.
2: Although not really a mission, the first time I played Civ V through to the end.
1: Defeating the Elite Four for the first time on Pokemon Crystal.


Magus of Nothing
Skyrims final battle, for me, had none of the wow factor that oblivious had.


Lord of Altera
Aye. I still enjoyed the last battle in Skyrim though. But it definetly won't beat the one in Oblivion. Oi! Another cool mission in Oblivion would be the one where you go to clear out the castle that was attacked and burned down.


Lord of Altera
Server Outreach
5] Three leaf clover -GTA IV
4] The first [and last I suppose] mission in Battlefield 3
3] Sovengarde in Skyrim
2] The Pillar of Autmn- Halo CE
1] Halo-Halo 3


5) Three leaf clover GTA IV
4) the last main mission of red dead redemption :'( so sad and so powerful for a video game.
3)Oblivion dark brotherhood mission where you go in the house and have to pick the guests off one by one >:D
2) every mission in "I am alive". That is IMO the best XBLA game ever.
1) the last mission in MW3 with Yuri and Price. :') I am stuck between that and the CoD 4 mission where you play as Price and the sniper guy (the one you have to carry).


Legend of Altera
5) The mission in Minecraft when you learn how to break blocks.
4) The mission in Minecraft when you learn about the farm animals.
3) The mission in Minecraft where you build a dirt shelter because you were so surprised by the game that you forgot to build.
2) The mission in Minecraft where you cower in fear of Zombies and co.
1) The mission in Minecraft where you learn how to craft items.