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Trapped in cidhna mine


Lord of Altera
I have a 1000 bounty in Markarth. I also have two quests in Markarth. Sneaking is not an option, because of the insane cliffs and guards everywhere.

when a guard arrests me, I only have two options: fight him (and get an endless swarm of guards everywhere and a mounting bounty), or get arrested and carted off to cidhna mine. I can't do the time, because this is cidhna mine, and I already killed madanach, so now the mine is empty, and there's no way to open the gate to the tunnel. even if I could leave, I'd still have to deal with the guards.

my bounty is too high to bribe, theives guild has no power over Markarth (one of the two quests is a theives guild quest, too), and I have ps3, so forget about console commands.

basically, I'm stuck. is there any way to erase my bounty or sneak past the guards?

the two quests are for the theives guild and dark brotherhood. I am a werewolf Khajiit with the ring of hircine, and a 20 sec invisibility potion. I have to speak to the court wizard Calchelmor, and randm citizen Miuri.


You could try loading to a previous save when you didn't have the bounty, with having to redo whatever you did.

You could kill every guard until you control the city with your thumb.

You could forget about the quests

You could sneakily kill guards on your way to the people then fast travel out when you're done.

Also I believe there's a option near 100 speech that allows guards to overlook crimes - RECOMMENDED IF NOT ALREADY


Lord of Altera
Can't you do your time by mining? You pick up one of the picks and start to mine, I think that gets you out.