Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Trinkets, odds and ends, that sort of thing...


Lord of Altera
I have a load of stuff to sell! Message me if you want to buy any of it, here's the list:

Protection Three Enchanted Book [x2] 70oor each, 13,000r for both
Protection One Enchanted Book 1000r
Fire Protection Four Enchanted Book 4000r
Smite One Enchanted Book 500r
Feather Falling Three Enchanted Book 4000r
Bucket [x8] 50r each
Diamonds [x5] 90r each
Potion of Speed [x6] 50r each or 250r for the lot
Cake 40r
Saddle [x3] 300r each or 750r for the lot
Potion of Instant Health II [x3] 100r each or 275r for the lot
Dispenser [x10] 50r each
Lapis Block [x12] 100r each
Chiseled Stone Brick [x50] 200r for the lot
Sugar Cane [x64] 100r for the lot


Lord of Altera
Hey, I'm not going to be able to get on much in the near future, is it ok if I just wire you the money and set up a mailbox for you to deliver them to? (We can use the post office if you like, I'll pay the extra needed.)

Edit: (Also, I'll need your ign to send you the money.)

Editedit: Nevermind, I found your ign from your whitelist app. I don't know when I'll be able to get on next except for tonight, so I'm going to wire you the money now and set up a box.

Editeditedit: K, 800 rads sent to ryanmelvin, chest set up outside my house (elumeril island, lots of people can give you directions, and follow the path into the village as far as you can, then turn left, and left again, and that's my house). Aaaaaand going to sleep.