Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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- UnawareKibbles2 [Approved-Man5791]


Lord of Altera
1) What is your MINECRAFT username?

2) How old are you?
I am 15 years old.

3) Where are you?
Manitoba, Canada

4) Have you read our guides yet?
Yes, i have.

5) Introduce yourself!
I am a 15 year old boy from Canada. I grew up in a rural part of the country and still to this day live there. I have played baseball for about 9 years and just recently gave that up. I do enjoy role playing games and to immerse myself into great games such as; Minecraft, World of WarCraft, and Battlefield. I am in highschool going on my second year and i love to type in keyboarding class and cook.

6) Got any examples of your work?
I do greatly enjoy building but i do not really have any pictures or screenshots of my work.

About my character:


Charles Ide





I am a short dwarven man with a long red beard. I wear a large belt with a golden belt buckle. I am to be found always wearing greyish clothing with brown boots.

The test:

“With my axe I wonder deep into the forest. Just doing my daily chores, I collected enough fire wood for a week and headed back to my home. I began to head back into the direction of home when I heard a loud cry. Wolfs, had hunting down and cornered a child that must had been lost. In disbelief I pondered for a moment trying to think of any options that I had and what to do. Making a bellow out for him, the young child turned from the tree towards me. His face was beat red and tears running down his face I began to sob. It was my own son. I screamed, “Jack, run towards me, run!” But now he wasn't the one in danger. It was I. The hungry pack of timber wolfs turned their attention towards me and became to make a move. I lifted my axe from my side to out front of me into a battle ready. I was now cornered and fearing for Jack’s life I gave him out word of advice, “Run!” I swung my axe a few times and was soon overrun. I fainted and that was all I remembered. Waking up, I stare at the roof a unfamiliar place. Trying to look around to understand where I was I yelled in pain. Scares and cuts covered my aching body and were deep within the flesh. A strange man came to my side and said that I must rest but I needed some answers. Trying to ask, “Where am I?” “Where is my son, Jack?” I could not bear the pain, and fainted. For the second time I woke up, I was back in a place that I knew and Jack and Maggie were at my side. After saving Jack, the pack of wolfs attacked me and began to rip into me as a lone hunter, open fire and warned them off. He had saved my life. Maggie had told me that he had taken care of me for the week before returning me home. Months past and I had been back to my daily life of a woodsmen, when one fall day I was in the Port Silver trading district. I was purchasing food when the same hunter that saved my life stood in front of me. With all the gratitude in the world, I thanked him. He nodded and walked away before I could say anything else. I stood there shocked.”
