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Unbanning apeal sorry....

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Hi there i was banned for stealing i am really really sorry for my actions & i promise it will never happen again. I can't belive i was so stupid :( i really am angry with myself. All i am asking is that i please get another chance i promise i will never do anything like that again. :(
Once again so sorry


Loyal Servant of Altera
Your consequences will be determine on how major or minor your crime was. If you stole a stack of dirt you will probably just be temp banned. Where as if you have like 5 diamonds on you that aren't yours.. you might be in bigger trouble.


Lord of Altera
ok so a list of what you took from me.
120 sugar
2 iron door
640 cobble
128 coal
2 leather pants
2 iron helmets
144 wooden planks
10 iron swords
2 leather caps
4 iron ingots
124 dye
2 buckets
2 iron axes
2 iron shovels
256 logs
yadda yadda yadda
it goes on but you stole alot of things.
im annoyed, not just the fact you stole from me but the amount.
im letting the other admins decide because im just gonna be biased cause it happend to me. that and its 1am and i need sleep.


Official Alteran
With that large amount of things stolen, I don't think he can use "I didn't know" as an excuse, or anything of that nature. Seems like you took everything but the kitchen sink. You may not be used to structured servers, but we got a rule around here about getting to keep what you found. If you find a chest lying out in Eden or the SW with no name and stuff in it with nobody around, that's one thing. But breaking into a town building and robbing it blind is a completely different matter. I honestly don't see any possible excuse for your actions, but please, give us your side of the story.


Lord of Altera
The list that Bubbles has demonstrated a worthy amount of allegations. Even though you say your sorry you still stole all those things. A crime is a crime, even if it is just a game you deserve this punishment. If you ever see MrBubbles, do not, I repeat, DO NOT pop his bubble. After that he might become the hulk. Although you say you are angry at yourself, you might want to use proper grammar. You never used capitals on "I". Being bad about grammar is a small thing that could turn the tables too, friend.

Trouble Kelp

Loyal Servant of Altera
2 questions:

1. Is Eden the Eastern Frontier?

2. How did you not know it was stealing when you took that volume of items? That would take at least 2 trips to transport anywhere, and the list isn't complete.


Lord of Timbervale
Guys I know your trying to be helpful and you have strong feelings about the subject matter but I would apreciate it if non staff members held off from posting here unless they have information directly related to this issue until Scorpio is given a chance to respond. Thanks.

And yes Eden is the Eastern Frontier


Lord of Timbervale
Guys I know your trying to be helpful and you have strong feelings about the subject matter but I would apreciate it if non staff members held off from posting here unless they have information directly related to this issue until Scorpio is given a chance to respond. Thanks.

And yes Eden is the Eastern Frontier


<3 Hollow World
Bubbles - transferring or not, chests should be locked if they're in an area accessible by others mate. /slap ;)

I've said this a few times but the "it's not locked" isn't really a defense when on Altera/Exodus. We're a community and if we take the opportunity to take items which clearly aren't ours then we're being dishonest and shouldn't be on the server. In the future I suggest the OP remember that and that we can even check when a chest was opened even if nothing was removed.

OP has admitted his mistake and will learn from it, so there's no need for a permanent ban, but it's up to Bubbs to decide :)

P.S. Bubbles, need to play coop with you on Sniper elite V2 sometime :D


Loyal Servant of Altera
Let me help bubbles in making a decision here ;)

Since he seems sincere, make sure he compensate / returns every single block he took,
and give him a 3 day temp ban.


Hey guys. I took the stuff as i just can't believe how stupid i have been. :( I know i have let you down i promise never to do anything like this again. I am also very sorry to the guy i stole from i was just kinda trying to impress people with my stuff, although this is stupid as it does not impress people with stolen things. Once again really sorry hope you can forgive me. :(
scorpio (RoryLaing123)


Revenge is a dish best served cold.
Retired Staff
3 Day temp ban. Since you have already waited 24 hours thats another 2 days. Plus as OSirixO suggests, you will everything you stole.

Can someone please put this temp ban in place for me?
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