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[Unhinged] Feedback Thread


It increases workload to have personalized events for groups but I think it works best that way. When there are several groups, there are more theories and stories and experiences. You can gain inspiration from each one and host unique events that way, and satisfy the ideas of the players, making them feel like theyre making an impact. When everyone just bundles up together in one massive group then things become normalized and you may have to shoehorn people in the right direction, and individual theories/interactions may be overlooked in favor of others. When things come to their climax, groups will naturally come together, and you can do your big “you dont want to miss this” events.


Retired Staff
While I enjoy server events, they are large and overwhelming by nature. I think there are pros and cons to smaller groups, but ultimately, my 2 cents is that server events should be reserved for more grand occasions and that smaller groups should be focused on.

But really;

It increases workload to have personalized events for groups but I think it works best that way. When there are several groups, there are more theories and stories and experiences. You can gain inspiration from each one and host unique events that way, and satisfy the ideas of the players, making them feel like theyre making an impact. When everyone just bundles up together in one massive group then things become normalized and you may have to shoehorn people in the right direction, and individual theories/interactions may be overlooked in favor of others. When things come to their climax, groups will naturally come together, and you can do your big “you dont want to miss this” events.
I just agree with this dude 100%.


"Something need doing?"
It increases workload to have personalized events for groups but I think it works best that way. When there are several groups, there are more theories and stories and experiences. You can gain inspiration from each one and host unique events that way, and satisfy the ideas of the players, making them feel like theyre making an impact. When everyone just bundles up together in one massive group then things become normalized and you may have to shoehorn people in the right direction, and individual theories/interactions may be overlooked in favor of others. When things come to their climax, groups will naturally come together, and you can do your big “you dont want to miss this” events.
Try not to get anyone to miss out though xD
Sometimes i find certain groups get ahead quicker than others.

That said it might be worth reaching out to a few region owners or individuals to directly to ask if they'd want an event for them and a few they choose?


Try not to get anyone to miss out though xD
Sometimes i find certain groups get ahead quicker than others.

That said it might be worth reaching out to a few region owners or individuals to directly to ask if they'd want an event for them and a few they choose?
Just host campaign related events. The QP group has had about 6 between us all and we've got more planned. The way Elz is doing things right now if you choose not to partake then you'll find not much happening. I'm not on events or anything so I'm not sure if she intends to pivot towards doing a lot more big public server events but that's how I see things atm.


"Something need doing?"
Just host campaign related events. The QP group has had about 6 between us all and we've got more planned. The way Elz is doing things right now if you choose not to partake then you'll find not much happening. I'm not on events or anything so I'm not sure if she intends to pivot towards doing a lot more big public server events but that's how I see things atm.
I intend to, but do note that to some people organising events makes them anxious. While it may not be necessary to ask, it might be nice to.


I intend to, but do note that to some people organising events makes them anxious. While it may not be necessary to ask, it might be nice to.
Oh I don't disagree, I was just responding to the idea that there's anything with 'certain groups' going on. Anyone who aggressively chases discovering new things and hosting events will get cool stuff and activity.


The wrong.
The QP group has had about 6 between us all and we've got more planned. The way Elz is doing things right now if you choose not to partake then you'll find not much happening.
Won't go on long here, but I will just say that I agree discovering new things and whatnot will lead to events, but at the same time, I think it'd be great to have some of these big bad ghosts show up at other people's doorsteps, not necessarily forcing them to chase after them. Makes it more personal, I'd reckon.

Don't want the ghosts stealing my blue-ray of Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home, now do we? I'll fight life and limb for that.


Kid Charlemagne
Retired Owner
That said it might be worth reaching out to a few region owners or individuals to directly to ask if they'd want an event for them and a few they choose?
I think it'd be great to have some of these big bad ghosts show up at other people's doorsteps, not necessarily forcing them to chase after them.
The owners of said doorsteps need only ask! We want to do our best to supply those interested in having events in their regions with Unhinged related events. If some people feel anxious about asking, planning, etc. then that's OK too; if people let us know they have a desire to have things happen we'll make sure to get them something of interest and intrigue. We would just go down the consent list, but it's better for people if venue owners organize events with their groups, so that people can get on in a coordinated way and enjoy the event provided by the DM. That works better for everyone rather than just showing up at places when some people are around (which we also try to do).


The Lurker
Retired Staff
I have thoroughly enjoyed the campaign so far. Elz has been doing wonderfully in DMing things when we ask What I love most about these individualized story lines is that it makes learning so much easier, rather than massive server events with 20 people. When it's huge groups, there's only so much you can do. As well, with these individualized group stories, the experience that Ventare as the Grey Lady Blessed is going to be different than what Liz the Animancer is experiencing, and both of those are different than what Kam the Earthspawn is experiencing and researching.

All this to say is that I've loved the experience, and that it is rewarding to schedule/research/investigate things.


Bird, Knows What's Good
Retired Staff
I have enjoyed what events I have been involved in thoroughly but I do find that despite my wanting to get involved, I'm having difficulty finding an initial gripping point to host the kind of aforementioned smaller events from. I do know with the ruined hamlet, there was some context, as things had been happening there with Jishrim/Skraag people, and it was also present during Starfall.

I think the crux of this comment is a question: Is it moreso recommended to craft our own player-centered plotlines and weave them into the event lore?


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
I think the crux of this comment is a question: Is it moreso recommended to craft our own player-centered plotlines and weave them into the event lore?
I'll answer your question like this: at no pont has anyone on events thought, Hm, all of those people are over there but I'd rather be doing events for this group instead. The problem with people thinking that we're favoring certain people over others in the campaign is that Unhinged (thsu far) has not had many major, big set piece events like Forlorn where everyone is invited. It's all been finding where people are online, and then looking for events, and interjecting elements of Unhinged into the events.


Bird, Knows What's Good
Retired Staff
I'll answer your question like this: at no pont has anyone on events thought, Hm, all of those people are over there but I'd rather be doing events for this group instead. The problem with people thinking that we're favoring certain people over others in the campaign is that Unhinged (thsu far) has not had many major, big set piece events like Forlorn where everyone is invited. It's all been finding where people are online, and then looking for events, and interjecting elements of Unhinged into the events.
It would be absurd for me to think that, being that I haven't actively tried to host an event or investigate anything. I only provided the example of the deserted hamlet because it was an event that took place in a location that existed, in contrast to my own not being sure where to start, not having a location like that at my disposal. It's good to know though, that Events is centering themselves around pockets of activity, seems like a good plan of attack. It also inspires me more to find a reason to host an event, at least knowing that there's a reward just for basically generating activity
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The Lurker
Retired Staff
It would be absurd for me to think that, being that I haven't actively tried to host an event or investigate anything. I only provided the example of the deserted hamlet because it was an event that took place in a location that existed, in contrast to my own not being sure where to start, not having a location like that at my disposal. It's good to know though, that Events is centering themselves around pockets of activity, seems like a good plan of attack. It also inspires me more to find a reason to host an event, at least knowing that there's a reward just for basically generating activity
Liz likes Aspen, so he's always welcome in Queensport. :)


An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
People reacting ic through events to what is happening and you being able to DM it and explain your story like that seems to be most enjoyable for both you and the groups showing interest. I think. The combination of an official campaign event and several groups reacting to it with their own quests is very refreshing!