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(unknown name)'s profile page

French Roast

Lord of Altera
Name: unknown
Nickname/Alias: unknown (please post ideas for a nickname)
Age: unknown
Gender: Male
Race: unknown (most likely human)
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 160 lbs
Hair: Brown, but hidden by hood
Eyes: Green, but hidden by hood
Skin: Tan, but all skin is hidden
Identifying Marks: His swift and elegant fighting style, paired with the fact that all of his weapons have a teal appearance and have white elegant lines that appear sometimes. These mark his presence.
Appearance: Wears a brown and gray assassin-oriented disguise. His hood completely hides his face, and he has a mask. He has a deep and rough voice.
Strengths: His weapons seem to have a telepathic property. When he whispers some words, the weapons that he seems to specify will reveal their white lines momentarily and send a pulse of light magic, which can be used against Demons. He has the element of surprise on his side. He will wield either a bow and arrows and 2 short-swords, or 6 throwing knives and a longer sword. They are all relatively light-weight, so he is silent and not clunky at all.
Weaknesses and fears: Asking him about his personal history seems to break his concentration for some reason. Also, if he is spotted, he is vulnerable, as he never wears any armor under his normal cothing to prevent over-weight.
Religion and cults: His religion is unknown, although he probably doesn't follow an evil god.
Profession: He is an avenger of sorts. He pops up in places where assistance in bringing someone to justice is needed.

This character's personality was inspired by the Batman, Gotham City's Dark Knight. I am leaving his history open, so it is built up in-game. As it is built up, I will regularly update this thread. There are no records of his arrival in a ship, and he doesn't seem to possess the knowledge to teleport here. His motives for what he does are unknown. His life behind the mask is unknown.

Again, please post ideas for a nickname!


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
Just a couple of things...

Firstly there seems to be an awful lot of "unknown" or "not visible" things about this character. Is this because you have not yet decided on them, or are you making an attempt to keep this character quite mysterious? If it is the latter, it is advisable to write the information out anyway (as is the purpose of a character profile) but you could always say something like;

Eyes: Dark brown, but are generally hidden by a hood
Skin: Pale due to being covered almost constantly by a long cape

This will fill out your character a bit, and shows that the secretive nature of this character is not just an excuse not to write much about him. This could potentially be a very interesting person, but if nothing is known out of character as well as nothing revealed in character, people may be reluctant to RP with you.

And lastly, assassins/avengers/mercenaries are generally frowned upon as character concept - just a heads up...

French Roast

Lord of Altera
Well, he's not just a normal avenger guy. He's got an interesting history. His true identity is this man, although few people know it in roleplay:

And Zran is an Elf who lived in Protaras, and he got kicked out for something that was, in all honesty, Deadpress's fault, and then he was killed by Deadpress. He was stalked by a Demon for a while, he was in a Demon form for a while, and he has light magic that he has put into Thal's weapons.

So in all honesty, this isn't really a separate character from Thal. It's more like his alter ego, like the Dark Knight is Bruce Wayne's alter ego, so to speak.


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
Well, perhaps write that into the profile(s) slightly, so people have a rough idea of what might be going on in RP. :)

Eric V

Legend of Altera
And lastly, assassins/avengers/mercenaries are generally frowned upon as character concept - just a heads up...

:O whats wrong with mercenaries? Im a mercenary! Im the mercenary lord T.T I keep them in line D: we don't hurt people or seek to assassinate others, we simply seek to sell our swords when swords are seeked.