Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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{Unsparked} Citrine


Soul stealer
Retired Staff
IGN: samiwashere

Character Name: Citrine G. Azerwind

Character Profile: ( x )

Intended School: Formistry

Intended Specialization: Life with an eventual strong focus on plants and creatures.

Desired Passive/Knack:
Her desire to be as connected to natural life as she once was makes her a physical vessel for anything green, the very Earth seemingly trying to make her a permanent part of its gardens. Being as emotionally invested as she is in this, nature sometimes has a stronger will than she does.

Echelon 1

Small vines grow around her wrists and ankles, she has no control over them, or how they appear. When she is casting or when her emotions are heightened, the vines grow further up her arms slightly.

Echelon 2

The vines bloom and stretch to other parts of her body. In deeply stressful emotional situations or when casting higher level spells, they entwine around her to an extent that can hinder her movements slightly.

Echelon 3

Small plants bloom at her feet. Vines cover almost all of her body, including her hair, and completely encase her when she is emotionally compromised.

Echelon 4

All plants grow wildly and brighter where she steps, pulling towards her like sunflowers to the sun. They gently coil around her feet when she stands still for too long.

Echelon 5

Life blooms on her body, and in her presence. Flowers grow in her hair and about her person, attracting small insects. All greenery in a 5b radius blooms brighter and leans towards her. In times of deep emotional stress, the vines around her become thicker and can completely prohibit her ability to move if she doesn’t keep composed and controlled enough. They provide no protection.


Faustian Bargain

Method of Contact
: The tireless creation of a nature sanctuary for the protection and preservation of rare plants, and a desperate plea made there to be able to deeply understand them and help them thrive.
Target of Contact: Earth Elemental
Who will be there?: If anyone, then Leighton (Reedie) And maybe their daughter who is an NPC still cause bab.

Mentor (I’m putting this here in case I have completely misunderstood Faustian bargains, in which case I will seek to be sparked by someone. Citrine knows a couple mages)

Mentor’s IGN:
Mentor’s Character Name:
Mentor’s Mage Profile:

I’ve read the threads so many times but I still always assume I’ve done something wrong somehow. Please let me know if I have.