Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Unsparked] Hiedric Branáin


I think I might like it here
IGN: Salodree
Character Name: Hiedric Branáin
Character Profile: Hiedric's Profile
Intended School: Formistry
Intended Specialization: Life, with a focus on fungal lifeforms and things that interact with it.
Desired Passive/Knack: What look like lichenburg scars on his arms and legs that is actual lichen! Shifts and moves under the skin when casting, emerging to act as the formistry threads. As he growths in strength as a mage, the lichen would spread more fully and potentially have a slight glow. At higher tiers, his eyes may grow cloudy as threads of mycelium overtake existing tissue, providing a similar glow aesthetic that may brighten when casting spells.

DM’s Username: TBD
Circumstance: Buried alive via landslide/pitfall/collapsed tunnel, etc. that results in him sparking to survive by connecting with the natural mycelium networks in the ground as a form of life support. Meanwhile he either digs himself out of his would be tomb or gets dug out by those above.

Potential Faustian Bargain:
Method of Contact: Desperation fueled prayer to anything that might hear. Doing so in a place that SIR dwells and holds dominion, dark places of roots and buried nature.
Target of Contact: Shade-In-Roots
Who will be there?: Hiedric, the DM, possibly others depending on the overall nature of the event!
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