Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Unus Opticus


Lord of Altera
~General Information:
Name: Unus Opticus
Other Names: Optic

Age: 29
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Current Residence: None
Relationship Status: Single

~Physical Appearance:
Height: 5' 7"
Eye Color: Dark brown
Shape of Face: Gaunt and chiseled
Distinguishing Features: Has only one working eye.
Has an emerald prosthetic where his other eye would be.
Hair Color: Brown Light gray
Complexion: Rough
Posture: Confident,
but slightly bent from age
Is Seen By Others As: Either a friendly merchant or a schemer, depending on how observant
Scars: Some Several, though they are covered by clothing
Voice: Deepish

very quick sketch by me <.<


Likes: Money, adventure, drinking, idiots, like-minded individuals, snooping around
Dislikes: People that don't get how the world works, having nothing to do
Strengths: Good with people, natural artistic talent, pitting people against each other,
excellent painter and tailor through years of practice
Weaknesses: Combat, tends to do things without thinking about them if feeling antsy, has a soft spot for poor children
Fears: Finding no one that accepts who he is, staying a nobody, death,being unable to fulfill his calling
Values: Money, power
Education: Years of acquiring street-smarts and reading books
Languages: Common
General Attitude: Calm and charismatic... if not a little seedy
Religious Inclination: Leans towards Jax, but isn't too religious
Jax, and finds himself getting more religious by the day

Would become a priest of Jax if anyone offered. Sees Jax as his lifelong partner in crime.

General Intelligence: Higher than many, and age has only honed it
General Sociability: Tries to worm his way into as many circles as he can
Alignment: He believes himself to be True Neutral, but he fluctuates.
He has come to accept the softer parts of his personality
Short Term Goals: Get a foot into the shop business
Get the OPTICUS ARENA fully functional!
Get the OPTICUS ARENA more widely known
Get the new shop more widely known
Cement self as Royal Tailor (Failed)

Invest in something interesting
Long Term Goals: Be a name known by all as someone who can get things done for a price
Create something truly grand in the name of Jax

Childhood: Sold into slavery by his parents

Teen Years: Became a courier for a crime syndicate, tried to open a shop, and traveled often

Adulthood: Continued his travels, fluctuating between wealth and poverty through both seedy dealings and proper business practices.
Became a tailor on a whim, and learned he was naturally good at it. Opened a shop. Eventually became successful enough to gain a new lease on life. Became involved in the shadier side of Tambry. Was part of the team of architects who added to Tambry. Travelled back to the old continent after the zombie horde in search of treasures left behind. Gained new enemies, and found himself in prison. Sold what was left of his shop and became a hermit.
Family History: Not known

Peaceful or violent: Generally peaceful, but he occasionally wishes he'd learned a bit about fighting...

Weaponry: Prefers short-swords if he must fight, but doesn't own one Has a hidden blade within the ornate cane he carries around

~Other Trivia:
Occupation: Studying to be a tailor
Tailor and owner of the Opticus Arena and bar
Runs a large tailoring facility, the Opticus Arena and bar, and manages Pup's Pub
Favorite Colors: Grays and browns


Friendly With:
Cymic Seymour (IanAwesomePants )- He's been more helpful for less reason than probably anyone I've known... I don't care if he's a fool or not. He's alright by me.
Is he... royalty now? Well isn't that interesting...
It is only by the luck of Jax that I've crossed paths with him again. He has accepted me with open arms, which is more than I could ever have imagined. His generosity hasn't faltered after all these years. His kingdom is for Jax... so I will be for his kingdom.

Snerus (Snerus )- Not the brightest in some regards, but I'm confident we'll make a fine team. I think he understands.
The more I get to know him, the more I like him.
He's smart. He has made me think about some things. I was wise to work with him. I can't tell if our goals are opposite... or exactly the same.
Wonder whatever happened to the old Dog... bet he'd have some stories to tell.
Andal (Ddaug02 )- Kind of a quiet guy. His friends will be helpful.
He is interesting. Idealistic. I don't think we'll butt heads any time soon.

Pretty sure I heard he died a long time ago. Shame.
Moriarty (BoredBrit )- Didn't think we'd get along at first, but we've come to an understanding. I might even learn a thing or two from him... he seems to have things together.
Probably dead.

Acquaintances With:
Wollston (Hai_Paladin )- Seems to trust easy. That's good.

Mikal- He's... a bit intense. He'll draw a crowd.

(I can't remember all the peoples' names, but I'll add people in as I remember)
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