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Verpa217 [Resolved]

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Lord of Altera
I used to play on the server ALOT, but I got banned because I made a stupid mistake. I was also sort of getting out of the swing of minecraft at that time, I was wondering if you could maybe give me a second chance, I know that another chance is HIGHLY improbable but I'm getting really into minecraft again and I remember all my friends on the server, even if it's just a one day probation to see if I play by the rules. I do realize that what I did was completely against the rules, and I shouldn't be given a second chance, but I feel that if I want to get back into the server I might as well ask.

From the loving, caring and utterly adorable Verpa217


King ForumStalker
verpa217 Dark Magic is Forbidden in Altera - caught by Silent SallyPirate 18 Jun, 2012 9:37am Permanent

Either Sally or Silent will judge your ban.


Lord of Altera
Wow that was a long time ago...

I think it'd be safe to say that any further rule breaking would be treated harshly. But I'm pretty sure you were a good player. The only problem is that a lot has changed since you last played, so I'm going to ask some questions, I suggest you read the survival guide and check out the Everything you need to know section, try not to rely too heavily on the ToC, it's sadly out of date.
1. How do you private msg someone?
2. How do you get to the Southern Wilds and Eastern Frontier?
3. What are the playable races so far?


Lord of Altera
1) @Playername [message] To message a player
2) There is an air balloon to a from the SW and EF? I had trouble finding a definitive answer so I pieced together fragments from the wiki
3) Dwarf, Caparii, Earthspawn, Elf, Greyling, Halfling, Human and Primordial

I entirely agree that any further rule-breaking from me should be treated harshly, and I can't emphasize enough that it was a stupid choice on my part and I thoroughly regret it


Lord of Altera
You're correct, but there are technically a couple other races, that have recently been accepted.
Can you find them?


Lord of Altera
You should, although you might be reset back to peasant, you'd need to confirm your previous rank (if it isn't right) with cherbert.


Lord of Altera
No, you're unbanned from the main server, you just need to be removed from our Vanilla list, because we have a glitch with the system.


King ForumStalker
Yeah, that's the vanilla ban list message. Only certain admins have access to it so i'm afraid it's just a waiting game for you atm.
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