Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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viggy signing off for two weeks.

Eric V

Legend of Altera
Hi everyone, as id say 12 of you already know I'm going to be gone starting tomorrow, around noon, until two weeks from now. I'll be traveling through europe, spending two days in Britain, 4 in france, and then several other locations along the path to Brussels, and then back through Dover, to london again for my flight back!

I wish all of you a happy time in my two week absence and formally state here that Huivn will be running my region and house.

Also as the hotels I'm staying at my have free wi-fi (especially in the second week) i may be able to get on, usually progressively more and more throughout the week!


Lord of Timbervale
Word of advice, don't log on. Enjoy your vacation and everything around you. You shouldn't be thinking of Hollowworld at all while your on vacation, at least that's my opinion. Its good to get away sometimes.